RR Database

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Jul 1, 2006
Anaconda, MT
Does anybody else think that the county listings in Montana should be cleaned up a little? Specifically the mutual aid sections. The page linked to from the state page is great, and should stay exactly how it is. But having the same information in each county, as well as random channels just makes clutter.

Example being Deer Lodge County:
In the County section there is 155.2800 listed as EMS Dispatch. First, this isnt accurate, as ambulance services are dispatched on the 154.3100 fire channel. Second, it's already in the Mutual Aid section as an EMS channel (EMS-White).

Also, Anaconda Pintler SAR has a listing for 155.2200. This is also a state mutual aid channel, Purple.

There are numerous other counties that contain the same things.

Even the new listener would just have to plug in the full Mutual Aid plan, which can be linked to on the state page as it is now, and there you go.


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Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
Josh, I agree and plan to work on it while I'm out here in Montana. I'll be moving the common mutual aid frequencies to the state level so we don't have so much duplication.

If you see changes that need to be made please submit them to the database using the "Submit Info" link and I'll work on getting them completed.



Premium Subscriber
Mar 27, 2004
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
I agree I wish I had more gas $ and time to document these freqs for Montana. I do work for a local hospital, and the sticker on the speaker phone in the ER said 155.28 for comms. I have lived 3 blocks from this hospital for 5 years, and never heard a hospital-EMS communication on this freq.(guessing a cell phone or MDT patch is used for sucure comms). I have heard Medflight talk to Butte hospital, and Billing's Base on MED 10 that's it.

Yesterday we had a avalance emergency w/ two helos dispatched, they had to call a tower tech to get two county conv. towers up. LZ comms were on PURPLE 155.22, till they got the co towers up. It's all about the lack of $$$ in Montana.

A special thanks to Lindsay! This is the BEST site for freq information all around the Northern Hemisphere+. I'm glad he has his vacation home in Montana to help us!
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Jan 12, 2008
Philipsburg, Montana
I am glad to see people working on the Montana page for once. I lived in Montana for 26 yrs before moving to Tooele,Utah. I have lived in Philipsburg and Dillon also my Dad has been a police officer for Granite County for 18yrs. So if you need my help I will try and help in anyway from good old Utah.


Jul 21, 2007
Far Eastern Washington...
I agree I wish I had more gas $ and time to document these freqs for Montana. I do work for a local hospital, and the sticker on the speaker phone in the ER said 155.28 for comms. I have lived 3 blocks from this hospital for 5 years, and never heard a hospital-EMS communication on this freq.(guessing a cell phone or MDT patch is used for sucure comms). I have heard Medflight talk to Butte hospital, and Billing's Base on MED 10 that's it.

Just a suggestion, but here in Washington, they have two frequencies they use for Hospital/Ambulance comms on what they call the H.E.A.R. system. One of them is the same one you listed (155.280) and the other is 155.340. This second frequency is the one that is the primary and 155.280 is the secondary. When I lived in Spokane and listened to the system on a fairly regular basis, I would hear ambulances coming from all over north Idaho and western Montana calling one of the hospitals regarding patient transports they were bringing in and 155.340 was the one used. It is possible they have gone to some digital form of communications due to all the P.I.I. issues but, you might give this one a listen.


Nov 21, 2008
Mutual Aid Channels

Does anybody else think that the county listings in Montana should be cleaned up a little? Specifically the mutual aid sections. The page linked to from the state page is great, and should stay exactly how it is. But having the same information in each county, as well as random channels just makes clutter.

There are numerous other counties that contain the same things.

I agree with you. I would also like to see the mutual aid channels removed from each county.
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