ya its noticeable. nothing in the bios that allows for legacy power saving. Thats an area of the computer a rarely ever touch. Last time I touched it was last Bios update a few months ago. I hope the DSD+ FL devs will update it to eradicate this situation in some sort of workaround or redesign. Probably wishful thinking. It's really hard to find a brand new windows based laptop with only USB 2.0 anymore. This thread is probably throwing some people off. Not many replies. It's one of them things that the backwards compatibility in USB 3.1 to USB 2.0 isn't always going to be stable.You're dealing with 20 dropouts per minute; that's one every three seconds. That'd definitely be noticeable.
I tried to get DSD+ FL unvoiced speech quality increased to use more CPU load. I cant get it past 3% CPU usage. I went up to -u30 and AMBE unvoiced to 60. It isnt enough to load the CPU.
I guess we wait and see if anyone else noticed this who is using a USB 3.1 only laptop or desktop.
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