Also, looking at the SO's listings, there appears to be errors,
TAC Orange uses CSQ
TAC Green uses CSQ
The listing for SO black is incorrect. 154.055 simplex is Fire Black, tactical south, not SO, however the SO radios do have the fire frequencies in them.
The listing for SO brown is also incorrect. I don't show anyone using 154.555 in the county. SO brown is actually 155.475 simplex, which is also NLEMARS.
155.265 is the SO explorers only, not SO SWAT. SO SWAT uses SO Black, which is 155.010 simplex, CSQ.
155.235 is SO search and rescue, however it is more commonly called "Jeep Posse" or just "Jeep" on the radios with smaller displays. The SO radios do have the standard 155.160 SAR frequency in them, labeled as NASAR (National Search and Rescue). Some radios have it labeled as "Med. Rescue".
155.310 in simplex is used by probations.
155.310 with a different input and PL is the jail repeater.
The 155.16 entry is just SAR, not swat as it's shown.
155.220 simplex is listed as the Life Guards on my list, and shown as City of Santa Cruz "gold".
The 155.010 listing is SO Black, as I mentioned above, not "extenders" as listed. I've never seen any mobile extenders used by SO, but I could be wrong. Portable coverage is pretty good in most parts of the county.