Scanner in car/while walking illegal?

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Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
Ok, so I don't want to beat a dead horse, but to clarify much of what I read above the law states it is illegal if the radio sends or receives.

I also disagree with this law. I think it is ironic that there is no exception for law enforcement. Therefore, if an officer drives his personal car to and from work with a department issued radio he is in violation of this law just as much as someone with a scanner. This is just one example of how crazy this law is. It would be better if possession of a scanner during the commission of a crime made the original crime enhance one degree. Therefore burglary 3rd (business) a class C felony would be come a class B felony with the use of a scanner. This would protect society better, in my opinion.

All officers deal with scanners differently. Many don't know about the law, and most do not understand it, a few others strictly enforce it. As stated before the best advise is to seek one of the exceptions.


Feb 17, 2003
Nashua, NH
Plz don't take this the wrong way, but you missed the point of everything I have written.... The way the law is written a police officer can take your gear and the Commonwealth of Kentucky can keep it or destroy it without a conviction... You have an exemption and carry your ticket with you... but you also need to carry a copy of the Kentucky law with you.... This is one of the big problems with the KY Scanner Law.... and regardless of any other law once your radios are gone they are gone and you will have to fight to get them back or get replacements for them if they are destroyed.... You folks who don't have to deal with this don't fully understand the problem and because you make light of the problem it puts scannists in Kentucky in the position where they don't know what is going to happen until it is too late if they don't meet an exemption.
Once again, simply put: If you have a scanner outside your home and you don't meet one of the exemptions as noted in KRS 432.570 and can't prove that you meet one of the emeptions ON THE SPOT; you will most likely, at the very least, have your radio gear confiscated. Once confiscated IT CAN BE DESTROYED without a conviction.... ECPA'86 and others notwithstanding, you are out your radios.... Police recruits in this state are taught that scanners are illegal and most are not familiar with the KRS nor the exemptions therein.... I know members of the media who have either had their scanners confiscated or attempts have been made to confiscate them; I know fire fighters whose personal radios (because their departments can't afford to buy them radios) have been taken...

The FCC disagrees....
ARRLWeb: PR Docket 91-36

This is exactly why I'll use my HAM equipment instead of my scanners in KY because the federal preemption still applies nonetheless.
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Sarah Rose (Formerly KR0SIV)
Premium Subscriber
Jun 24, 2012
Personally what they don't know won't hurt them....

Put the thing in a nice big inner pocket, if your just scanning local RX shouldn't suffer too bad through your coat or whatever your wearing... and just put in an ear bud, listen away.

I personally carry a scanner, have one at home, and in the car mobile.
Then again I'm also in Ohio, but lets be honest.. legal or not, I'd probably still carry it.


Feb 24, 2001
I heard some agencies in Kentucky are still using tube tube radios in some of the cars and are attempting to simulate narrowbanding in units such as master 2's and Micors............I heard Kentucky was a KENWOOD state and most progressives are using NEXEDGE digital radios
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 26, 2012
Hopkinsville, KY
Not only that, but the Z-kits available for some radios do not work of the tube radios. Kenwood is big in Kentucky but also Motorola has its ground with the p25 systems butt as you probably know Kenwood also has p25 equipment as well as the NXDN radios. But the NXDN and P25 cannot work together in one radio.
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