Scanner Tales: Y2K


Dec 14, 2001
Far NW Valley
25 years ago, we experienced a phenomenon known as Y2K. This was the changeover from 1999 to 2000 that was thought to be problematic for technology of the day. You see, in the early days of computing, memory and storage was much more expensive, our hard drives were measured in MB instead of TB. I remember spending $500 on a new 40 MB hard drive, driving all the way out to Rockford to get it. That was a 50-mile trip each way and I was happy to do it. I finally had enough space to store all my files on a single drive.

Programmers of the various systems in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s had the same issues but on a grander scale. To save space on the memory portions of the technology years were expressed with 2 digits, hence 1985 was notated as “85”. While these days that would not seem to be much of a savings in storage space, it really was in those days. Our iPhones today have much more computing power and storage space as the biggest and best computers of the era.

No one really thought about any issues this might create down the road, most of the programmers of these systems would be dead or retired by the time it would matter. The issue that would arise was so far away as not having been considered. Eventually, however time caught up with us and it started to matter. Simple things like sorting by year would be wrong after the millennium changed. (Side note here: For this tale the Millennium starts 1-1-2000. I know that many people consider the Millennium as 1-1-2001 as there was no year 0 but that is semantics.)

At the time I was a police officer in a suburban town and was pretty much the “radio guy”. As part of my duties, I took care of pretty much all the communications needs for the police department and pretty much for the rest of the village as well, including the fire, public works, water and electric departments. In addition, I was in charge of the networks for the police/fire station and coordinated with the IT department to integrate things for the rest of the village. It was a small town, with about 12,000 people but we were heavily integrated with our neighbors in cooperative communications systems so there was a lot of work with other towns as well. I was heavily involved in our regional communications cooperative as well.

As Y2K approached so did the hysteria. It was going to be an apocalyptic event according to some. The “preppers” were digging bunkers and storing acorns while spreading rumors that nuclear weapons would explode at midnight and all technology would instantly fail. The rest of us figured that some stuff would just not roll over properly and we might have a computer or three that needs to be changed manually.

For much of 1998 and 1999 we went through and upgraded older systems and ran scenarios. The village’s IT director set up a test server on an isolated network and tested the various computers, servers and other devices that we could. We found that some older things would have some issues but for the most part we were confident that it would be a nonevent. We updated some equipment such as the video and audio recording systems and a couple of servers. The audio recording system in particular would have some issues, its integrated OS would not handle 4-digit years and so we replaced it with a new system. All the other stuff, such as our radio consoles, in-car computers, radios and computer servers, all seemed to work just fine.

In spite of our confidence that our stuff would work the Village Manager and his staff wanted to be prepared. We were less confident of the utilities that we did not manage, like the phone systems (cellular and wireline), cable TV, natural gas, and the regional electric grid. There were also concerns about point-of-sale systems in the retail sector and pipeline and fuel delivery. Since we had no control over these systems, we had to hope they worked but be prepared if they didn’t.

The Manager came up with an idea. The Village would throw a Y2K party for village employees and their families at the fire station. Key employees such as department heads, line supervisors and tech guys like me would be required to attend, our families and any other Village employee would be invited and even paid OT to be there. It was really a great idea. If there were any problems, we would have staff present, available and sober to handle it. If the projected apocalypse occurred, then we could all die together. If nothing happened, we all had pizza, pop and friends to ring in the new millennium with.

We did of course make preparations. We had backup radios set up in the communications center already so if the consoles failed, we could use them. We also prepared for the phone and 9-1-1 system to fail by having designated Village Contact Centers set up around town, with 4 square miles we decided 4 would be sufficient. Each had a radio-equipped car, with a police officer and a village staffer in each.

We made sure our village fuel station was topped off as well as all our vehicles. We tested the generator systems in the police/fire station as well as Public Works. The power plant was operating on its own generators that were running in case we got disconnected from the regional grid. We doubled the shifts in the 9-1-1 center and had extra guys on the street and in the firehouse just in case.

The party was a great time. While there was no liquor of course, there was plenty of pizza, burgers, soft drinks and comradery. The core tech guys; myself, the IT director, my friend and colleague Ted and the fire department’s “radio guy” all stuck together in case anything happened.

As the big moment approached, we watched the ball drop in New York, an hour ahead of us. We already had seen that places further east like London and Berlin had not had any issues and after New York survived we were very confident that we would live to see another day. When our Midnight came and went, we went and checked everything we had and aside from the video server, everything turned over just fine and dandy. The video server clock display went from “12-31-99” to “01-01-73” for some reason but when we changed the date to “01-01-00” it took and seemed to work fine. The next day we checked, and the video files were sorted properly except for the 2 with the 1973 dates. We affixed a Post-it note on the server to remind us of those files just in case.

As for the radio systems, we had no problems. The Mastr-II repeater system had no time and date info to be disrupted and the other radio base stations, mostly Motorola Micors, didn’t either. The consoles were DOS based but the workstations and server had been upgraded and had no issues. Over at the power plant the SCADA system worked fine, they upgraded it during 1998, and it turned over with no issues.

One of our neighboring towns had a server fail, but we weren’t sure if it was date-related or just coincidental. We provided a spare server and helped them restore from a backup later in the afternoon, meanwhile our dispatcher ran their plates and the like for them.

All in all, Y2K was pretty much a yawn. It did, however, serve to allow us to upgrade many older systems. All we had to say was that we needed to upgrade something “for Y2K” and we were given the money to do so. As a self-reliant community we did most of the work in-house; this helped ensure it was done right, and we would know how to fix any issues down the road. We learned a lot about our various tech.

The Y2K party was a masterpiece of an idea. It was a lot of fun and ensured that the right people were available if there was an issue. Many of the preparations for that night, while unneeded as it turned out, became part of the emergency operations plans for any potential future catastrophes. With luck they will never be needed but if they are we are confident they will succeed.

While I have been retired for almost a decade now, I still have contact with and provide advice when asked about systems. Most of the stuff I set up in my time has since been or soon will be replaced. Our radios have gone from analog UHF to P25 on 700 MHz. The computers have all been replaced as have most of the servers since I left. Our dispatch center has been closed and operations consolidated with our neighbors at a regional dispatch center. Most of the people involved with Y2K have died or retired, the IT director retired just last year.

Like the saying goes: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst”.


Retired LEO
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Westmont, DuPage County, IL USA
Ex #1 was convinced that some sort of catastrophic event would take place so we bought a 5 VA gasoline-powered generator. I had several circuits running to kitchen refrigerator, basement deep-freeze and sump pump, living room for television and a lamp, and a circuit upstairs for lighting. With everything just a plug away for each appliance or fixture, nothing catastrophic occurred. I ran the generator a few times a year, and it currently is housed in my storage shed for lawn implements. I was minimally involved with communications at my police agency, but nothing in my memory occurred or I wasn't privy to any Y2K incidents.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
I think Y2K was the first event that really set my opinion of "preppers". A lot of people panicking about something they didn't know anything about. No amount of logical discussion worked.

It's only gotten worse since then….

One of our techs had previously worked for a large electric utility as a lineman. I asked her about Y2K and if all the computers went nuts, what would happen. She pointed out that all the systems at the time had a manual operation. Worst case would be that some lineman would have to drive out and manually close a breaker/switch/ect.
Same thing with water, sewer, gas, etc...

Leading up to 1/1/2000, Home Depot near me had to institute a "no returns" policy on generators. A lot of people buying them with Y2K in mind and then going to return them if they didn't need them.
One store I went into a few weeks later had stacks of returned generators. I seem to recall I bought one for work at a discount. I don't think it had ever been run.

I remember standing out in front of my house a few minutes after midnight and calling our dispatch just to make sure everything was still working OK. No issues at all. I went back to bed...

One funny(ish) thing that happened leading up to Y2K:
Everyone was wanting to test their systems to make sure they'd function after the new year.
Most systems didn't have a problem with changing the time manually and then setting it back.
Except for voice mail systems. Back when storage was expensive, most large voice mail system users would have time limits on message storage. I think I had ours set to 30 days, and if the customer wanted to pay for a higher level of service with longer storage times, we'd do that. Around about October 1999, we got a urgent notice from our voice mail system manufacturer. Turns out that other operators that had message storage limitations like us were just changing the time on the system to test, and then switching back. The system would suddenly see that there were all these stale messages in the system and would wipe them. If caught in time, the system could be restored off backups, but usually the systems backed up every night, so if not noticed, messages would be lost forever.

I seem to remember "Y2K Compliant" or "Y2K Ready" stickers on new computers coming out in the 1998/1999 timeframe….


Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2004
Wheaton, IL

I was Deputy Director of a large multi-jurisdistional 9-1-1 call center in DuPage those days. Roughly 1000 9-1-1 calls per day (9-1-1 was for requests for police/fire/EMS service and not solely for life threatening emergencies) and we dispatched 15-fire and 12-police depts using a large, custom CAD (computer assisted dispatch) system. I, along with 6-shift managers oversaw all day-to-day ops.

It was probably late 1998 or early 1999 when I had our contracted programmers start working on reviewing the thousands of lines of code to Y2K proof the system. Essentially that meant changing all instances of a 2-digit year to a 4-digit year but every line was scutinized. Testing was done off-line and all seemed good to go.

Three specific memories a out Y2K stick out like sore thumbs.

- Like Rich's Villags Manager my boss wanted a security blanket in case all heck broke loose like airplanes falling out of the sky which might cauae us having to hold our people overnight. So we made a list that included sleeping bags, paper plates, plastic utensils and cups. camping lanterns and cans of fuel (our backup genny ran the op center only), cases of bottled water and two 5-gallon cans of soup! Wal-Mart was very happy to see us and everything was stored away. I instructed the on-duty supervisors to not use or open any of that as I was confident it was all going back when the world did not end. Wally accepted everything back except the soup.

- A month or two before the Mongols were scheduled to attack I got a call from NBC News' national correspondent, Jim Avilla. He asked if I would sit for an interview to discuss our Y2K preparations as we were the largest combined multi-jurisdictional 9-1-1 center in Illinois. I agreed and a few days later I sat down with him and the film crew for about an hour. He asked about our preparations but I assured him that we were ready. Our computer code had been thoroughly reviewed, corrected and tested. Nut my segment was never aired. I'm guessing because I convinced him that we had prepared and our CAD was air connection to the outside world except for a single line to Springfield for database access and their system, AFAIK, had been 'fixed'.

- NYE had always been one of the busiest if not the busiest night of the year for us. The phones would light up around 10...earlier if the weather was bad (demolition derby night) and they wouldn't quit until 3am +/-. We were confident that our systems would stay up but like Rich pointed out we had no control over utilities like the phone system. In the months preceding NYE we had been delivering the message to reporters, civic groups and politicians to not pick up your phone at midnight to see if you had dial tone. If too mamy people did that the phone system might least that's what our 9-1-1 Bell contact told us. It seems that Ma Bell's central offices were designed to give only a small percentage of users dial tone at any given moment. I arrived at our ops center around 11:30 and was struck at how quiet it was. Very few phones were ringing and even fhe radios were quiet. At the stroke of midnight the phones went calls for about 5-minutes. i remember being relieved when we did get an incoming call. I left to go home around 12:30. It was a very different NYE.

No doubt about it Y2K was an interesting time.


Oct 6, 2024
One of my friends was in charge of the Y2K preps for Allstate and they did the party setup in an off-site hotel. He was pretty confident nothing bad was happening then and everyone was relieved when everything went like it should.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2008
Warminster BUCKS Co. PA
I do remember the ridiculess who ah over Y2K. A lot of individuals, especially college professors were saying how computers networks and two-way radio systems were going to be screwed up. The only change that I witnessed was seeing some of we watched on the Jetsons cartoon, come to life, except reaching out of the Television Screen. I also realize the infrastructure was out there prior to 2000, but didn't really click until now.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2019
Garden Grove, CA
I remember the planes are going to fall from the sky hype.

Back in 1998 we had a new phone system installed in the company, It was around July 1999 they sent us a letter saying the phone system wasn't Y2K compliant. They wanted to charge us more than $2000 for a tech to come out and install new software (firmware maybe?) to fix the problem.
So I wanted to see what the system would do. On a Friday before a long weekend I set the date to January 1 2000. It wouldn't take the year 2000. I never did figure out what year it reverted to if it even did.
So I then set it to January 1 2001, It worked perfectly.
To counter act the missing year of 2000, I set the date to the proper day only with the year of 2027, same calendar as 1999, and we used that for several months with no problems.
When January 1 2000 came the phone system thought is was 2028. Three months later I left the company and never had a problem during the three months I was there.
I suspect manufacturers purposely designed newer equipment to not recognize the year 2000 so they could make more money from the upgrades.
How could programmers not think about the year 2000 in the 1990's?

One other story was when an Aunt & Cousin bought a installed power generator (not portable) because the salesperson told them it was Y2K compliant.
I pointed out to them it had no date / time functions that would affect it to not work.
They spent thousands of dollars and I don't think they ever used it all the years they remained in the house.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2013
Rochester, NY
Ah yes. No party at a hotel for me (I was supporting the network of a large multi-national corporation), but we were all told we needed to be at home (we normally went out of state to my parents) and had to join a conference bridge at 11:30 or 11:45 PM. We all got on the call ... and nothing happened. Which was great, so we all went to bed!

But the "Oh I think they did it on purpose so they could charge extra to fix it" strikes me as plausible but more conspiracy-theory-ish.

There were LEGIONS of programmers who spent the years leading up to 1/1/2000 fixing code, much of which ran on mainframes and was orignally written in the 60's. No, a problem with that wouldn't cause planes to fall from the sky. But if that code was a billing system and you were running the bill for 12/15/99 to 1/14/00, it either would have blown up or charged everyone for 99 years or something. That WAS a big deal.

Even things like sorting files was a concern, since 000101 would be *before* 900101 (etc.).

That generator story is a good one. Lots of other products took advantage of the histeria too. Kind of reminds me of how you can pick up a package of, say fresh carrots, and have a label that says "Gluten-free". :)


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
We had to take turns to sit at an airports trunked system and reprogram thousands of user ID's as Y2K had screwed up the dates in those records so they couldn't be read and the system had to be set in open mode to accept any user ID until we after a week had finished entering all the users to give them new valid dates.

I can't remember if the local airport admin and his helper had to enter most of the TG's during the night and the morning after new years eve to get the system working again and not run it in site trunking mode as they used a lot of critical patches to analog channels.



Nov 19, 2015
Las Vegas, NV
...There were LEGIONS of programmers who spent the years leading up to 1/1/2000 fixing code, much of which ran on mainframes and was orignally written in the 60's. No, a problem with that wouldn't cause planes to fall from the sky. But if that code was a billing system and you were running the bill for 12/15/99 to 1/14/00, it either would have blown up or charged everyone for 99 years or something. That WAS a big deal.

Even things like sorting files was a concern, since 000101 would be *before* 900101 (etc.).
Exactly. The reason Y2K was such a non-event was becasue of all the work done to address that innocent little shortcut (using only the last two digits of the year).
I personally spent time in 1998-1999 combing through insurance software code (yawn), looking for and fixing potential bugs due to using only the two-digit year.


Feb 14, 2022
aaah Y2K, brings back memories... At the time I was working as a young telco engineer for a mobile phone company, we spend 6 months simulating, debugging and patching our core and radio networks in the lab. Once we were confident all was ok, I booked a ticket to camp and party on new years eve in an oasis in the desert of Libya, as a one-off special millenium event. Getting there was no issue, however... getting back was a hassle, the chartered airline didn't want to land anymore on the remote desert strip, as the strip and its nav equipment "wasn't Y2K compliant". A last minute trip was arranged on a Libyan Airlines Boeing 707, (which almost fell apart due to the lack of spare parts as the country was under embargo). That one brought us to a Y2K complaint airport in Malta, where we could continue our trip with a more 'regular' airline. A real adventure, even got to do some sandboarding on those huge sand dunes, while trying to find the moustashed, overdressed not-very-undercover libyan secret service agents was also a funny pasttime...


Jan 1, 2025
While in the military I was involved in spec-ing a new system back in 1985. The "Century Date Rollover Problem" (aka Y2K) had just started to appear in tech press articles and decided that Y2K compliance needed to be part of our specs, since the system was expected to serve until the mid-2020s.

The software engineers complained but complied with the requirements and later said it turned out to be an easy fix. In late 1987 were got to test the prototype device and after all the testing was done we did a Y2K test. Set the system clock to 5 minutes before midnight on12/31/1999 and watch for malfunctions after the date rolled over.

But what happened was far beyond the worst case scenario we foresaw. The clocks rolled over and a gang of six mainframes instantly stopped. Reboots were tried to no avail and many curses were hurled my way for being the person who had pushed for Y2K readiness on the project.

Ultimately it took a new Real Time Clock (RTC) circuit board being installed in each computer. Autopsy of the failed boards revealed something nobody had expected, embedded devices used in the computers used the date and were not capable of handling the century rollover.

Thus began the Embedded Devices chapter of Y2K preparations. Fortunately we had revealed the problem 13 years before Y2K and 8 years or more before the computer manufacturer would have begun testing. In our case, and also for all the power plants (coal and nuclear), refineries and industrial operations using computers from that same manufacturer, the replacement of failure-prone RTC boards were done in routine updates and other manufacturers were alerted to similar problems.


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
Y2K back then reminded me of the end of the Mayan calendar hoopla in 2012. Which to the Maya apparently means renew. It's hard to believe it's now been a quarter of a century. I was only 19 on that new years day. Today, there are 25 year olds and here I'm 44. They would have been around 2 when the towers came down.

I remember watching on the news back then that NORAD invited the Russians so that there were no accidental launches. And I listened to shortwave back then and heard Australia's new years and the news of handing over of the Panama canal to Panama. It's amazing to think this was back when we had a space shuttle. Being born in 1980 I've witnessed the transition of technology kids these days have not. As a gamer I saw and played on the Atari and bought my first Nintendo when GPS came about known as Sluggers in Operation Desert Storm. My friend had a Sega and I received the Super Nintendo for Christmas. Latter on my brother bought a Nintendo 64 where we would play the classic and best FPS (First Person Shooter) of the day James Bond in Goldeneye and latter Perfect Dark (both games developed by Rare). I played on the PlayStation I and II as well as the Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo Game Cube. Today it's unreal with Steam and whatnot and the massive amount of hard drive space one needs now-a-days. Back then a 1 GB hard drive was pretty damn impressive. Heck, I bought a 1 GB SD card on eBay back in 2006 for $80 bucks! Today SD cards are a fraction of the size and massively bigger in capacity. Now we have cryptocurrency (the blockchain) and AI...

I think the people's sense of social normalcy is just an inborn australopithecus/chimp thing. And it's even worse today thanks to the media and social media. The biggest threat today is hacking of the mentioned SCADA systems. Or a certain type of CME from the Sun that aligns with the poles or an EMP...

Our dispatch center has been closed and operations consolidated with our neighbors at a regional dispatch center. Most of the people involved with Y2K have died or retired, the IT director retired just last year.

My condolences. We are all literally here today and gone tomorrow and time goes by like the seasons in this polarity cyclic driven universe where a trilinear equilibrium is written into the fabric of space and time. By what, who knows - but we will - eventually...
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Carrying carriers
May 31, 2022
Quantum Superposition
Did not buy Y2K
Did not buy the swine flu (2009)
Did not buy the maya crap (2012)
Did not buy "what" happened in late 2019

I have to admit the late 2019 thingy had an excellent amount of manipulation and orchestration.

But hey, I was always on my scanner.

"We are all literally here today and gone tomorrow"

Sure? The cosmic joke.

For a reference, crapfests like Y2K happen, nothing new...for giggles:
List of mass panic cases - Wikipedia

Seattle windshield pitting epidemic - Wikipedia
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Feb 14, 2022
Did not buy Y2K
Did not buy the swine flu (2009)
Did not buy the maya crap (2012)
Did not buy "what" happened in late 2019

I have to admit the late 2019 thingy had an excellent amount of manipulation and orchestration.

But hey, I was always on my scanner.

"We are all literally here today and gone tomorrow"

Sure? The cosmic joke.

For a reference, crapfests like Y2K happen, nothing new...for giggles:
List of mass panic cases - Wikipedia

Seattle windshield pitting epidemic - Wikipedia
If my boss pays me to run after Y2K ghosts, I am happy to do so ;)


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
Well, the pure Cambridge edition of the Bible mentions "ghost" 109 times. ;)

Ghosts/spirits are real, but I digress... Seeing is perhaps believing. What ever it was...

I've been listening to radios for 50+ years now and I'm still learning.

You will never stop learning. Ever!


Carrying carriers
May 31, 2022
Quantum Superposition
If my boss pays me to run after Y2K ghosts, I am happy to do so ;) is better invested to build something...not in chasing ghosts. But alas, here we are! Maybe we DO GEt to the point of seeing this soon.

"Seeing is perhaps believing." -> Observer (quantum physics) - Wikipedia

I remember very well december 31st 1999 sitting on my table...expecting nothing, eventually happening nothing. Using this fella back then: Yupiteru MVT-9000
Good times.


Oct 6, 2024
Did not buy Y2K
Did not buy the swine flu (2009)
Did not buy the maya crap (2012)
Did not buy "what" happened in late 2019

I have to admit the late 2019 thingy had an excellent amount of manipulation and orchestration.

But hey, I was always on my scanner.

"We are all literally here today and gone tomorrow"

Sure? The cosmic joke.

For a reference, crapfests like Y2K happen, nothing new...for giggles:
List of mass panic cases - Wikipedia

Seattle windshield pitting epidemic - Wikipedia
People have been preparing for the end of times for ages. Sometimes diseases think the herd, sometimes a cult like Jonestown does it in there own but usually nothing happens beyond getting some to plan on what happens if they need to become self sufficient. And there's nothing wrong with becoming more self sufficient, especially if you live in an area with rising sea level, tornados, flooding etc...