"SD" memory support...

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Mar 2, 2006
Lake Co, Ind
I was discussing scanners with a friend of mine on 144MHz earlier today, and we got onto the subject of memories. He's going on vacation [holiday] next month and he has to pass through airport security, so I reccomended he reset the memories on his scanner (The European authorities take a dim stance on scanning receivers). He wasn't too keen on doing this, as he didn't want to reprogram everything whilst sat on the beach!

I came to the conclusion that having a scanner which can take SD cards would be a good idea... You have a scanner which has an inbuilt memory, say something like 5,000 "channels". Then it's expandable with cheap and easy to obtain SD or similar small format memory cards - you could store dozens of systems/groups on one 128MB SD card, and then select which ones to load into the scanner via the internal software. No need to take a PC with you to re-load the scanner with a whole new set of systems.

Anyone else like the sound of this?

Since Uniden have added GPS to their current line of radios, I can tell they're not one to shy away from breaking new ground when it comes to scanners.


Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
I agree totally Napalm. I've been promoting it for some time in the Uniden forum too.

Uniden has added a great feature in dynamic memory, and GRE started it with the virtual folders in the PRO-96, even AOR had a great idea with the memory card in the AR8200 series. Now if we can only convince Uniden to follow through and add a SD slot and more memory management to the firmware, then we'll have all the memory we need.

I could see talkgroup lists set up in memory for many situations. Just call them up in the configuration you need.


Mar 28, 2006
He has to take his scanner with him on vacation? Yikes, and I thought I was addicted.


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Mar 2, 2006
Lake Co, Ind
Hmm, USB device. It's a thought, I could imagine plugging in a USB memory stick into the site of my 330. As long as I could upload/download etc on the fly, without needing a PC, and do it from either internal memory or external memory of some kind.

Go-24: Yep, he sits on his deckchair underneath the approach to Lanzarote (spelling) airport or something! Each to their own :D :D


Jan 4, 2003
los Angeles
First I have got to say that the system in the 396's dynamic memory system goes further than any scanner memory system available to date. It rocks. With 6000 slots there is plenty of space for travel and local systems for most users. I do it all the time. I own the butel software which I use to look up the town city or what ever, download it to my computer and send it to the radio. It works great and it is fast.

I am quite sure that the next generation of Uniden scanners will have the capacity for a standard memory card like the new micro SD or older mini sd card. One of these 1 or 2 gig cards should have enough space for plenty of channels and, get this, the ability to record what you are monitoring. These length of these recordings will only be limited by the space left over from the channel memory and the quality of the recordings. I have been talking about for quite some time now and i am sure it will become a reality. Right along with the dual receivers which we need bodily. ( control channel monitoring when trunking) listening to one station while recording another system dual channel monitoring) The addition of a memory slot could only be marred by the idea of a proprietary memory format. That would be uncool of uniden. Sandisk announced today a new memory format called MICRO SD. these are try. It will be no problem to put a slot on the side or in the battery compartment.
USB? Why? Those of us with 396's can plug our radio into a USB port on a computer and you can program all 6000 memories in your radio in minutes!! right now. No, usb access is already a given. It would not surprise me if they stuck with a serial type connection. USB would speed things up a bit though.
The next generation of Uniden scanners should be very exciting especially if they implement dual receivers and a memory slot. There are a few other features needed but this thread is about enhancing the memory capability of these radios.


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Mar 2, 2006
Lake Co, Ind
Oooooh, audio recording! Excellent. The R20 has it, and I think if Uniden do a better job of it, and not use a really daft codec that has to be hacked to convert into Wave format...

I find serial access, even at 115200bps is really slow, especially when I have to upload a whole system full of around 1000 conventional channels.

I have a 330, and mine is just RS232 serial - it's not USB unless I buy a USB -> Serial lead. Are you telling me your 396 is USB out of the box??


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Mar 2, 2006
Lake Co, Ind
But surely that can only run at the maximum speed of the radio, which on mine is 115200bits per second (bps).

Still slow ;) I want 8MB/s dammit.
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