So I get my new jumbo battery in the mail the other day. Today I dropped it on the floor from 2 feet and the battery comes out because the clamp holding the now much heavier battery breaks.
Uniden customer support (or lack thereof) tells me I'll have to send it in (at my expense) and the techs will decide weather they'll repair it or not.
This is what I get for shelling out bug bucks for a scanner made with inferior plastics and an afterthought battery replacement due to a not so well thought out scanner design.
No thanks. I'll just use duct tape.
Uniden customer support (or lack thereof) tells me I'll have to send it in (at my expense) and the techs will decide weather they'll repair it or not.
This is what I get for shelling out bug bucks for a scanner made with inferior plastics and an afterthought battery replacement due to a not so well thought out scanner design.
No thanks. I'll just use duct tape.