SDS-200 display flicker

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Feb 12, 2019
Belleville, NJ
No, nothing that I would say is beyond spec. I have it at full brightness now, but have tried low and medium and have customized my LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH thresholds. Temperature seems fine. The outside of the case runs fairly room temperature, but I've never experienced it go warm in the past week and a half (and it's a warm day outside today with the windows open).

As far as returning it to the dealer, he is a friend and his been in business for 28 years. I've always have had a great relationship with him, worked a bunch of hamfests with him, and have had so many radios over the years. He's a mom and pop brick and mortar and I want to support him. This is my feeling and can be shared by no-one else, but It was not his problem that the product has had some issues. And while he could not do the product discount thing and we talked about the feedback on these threads extensively, he did give me other accessory incentives to buy from him so I made a choice to do that. Those accessories brought back some fond 80's and 90's memories of working with him to build his business.

With that being the case, the problem is with Uniden and I will deal with them accordingly regarding repair. I know it's not the popular approach, but they did fix the problem I had with my Home Patrol unit that I bought at a Radio Shack fire sale 5 years ago - and it's been fine ever since. Is it disappointing that this isn't perfectly running after a week ago, sure. But I have gone through more disturbing situations, like when a couple of years ago our brand new fully loaded Nissan Murano just shut down in the middle of the highway and the problem turned out to be an "incorrect dealer prep" when they received the vehicle from shipment. They forgot to remove some of the packing around and inside the air filter housing.

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Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
Uniden would likely only offer you a repair, where they would most likely offer a dealer a replacement. It would not cost your friend anything if you reimbursed him for shipping.
Apr 18, 2009
With that being the case, the problem is with Uniden and I will deal with them accordingly
I have held off on purchasing any SDS scanners until the issues are mitigated by Uniden.

I like the Uniden scanners I have, and have not had a single issue that required returning one.

It would be frustrating to spend $700 - only to go through all that hassle and disappointment!


Feb 12, 2019
Belleville, NJ
I am not expecting a new unit from Uniden, but a unit that is working as designed out of the box. My friend is a dealer and sells Uniden products, but he buys his product through a Uniden distributor. He does not move enough product volume to become a distributor-dealer nor does he want that to become the focus of his overall business. Even if I pay him for shipping, ultimately, he is shipping back to his distributor (if that is part of the terms and conditions of his sale) or Uniden. I'd rather do that legwork while I'm working from home until NJ opens up again. I create a FedEx label, have them come pick it up, I'm done. I have a warranty, they have to honor it in good faith, and I'm willing to oblige to that.

Plus, I also have an SDS100 which has been working fine since I bought it two years ago. Ultimately, I got the SDS 200 to eventually use as a dedicated streamer, amongst other considered uses. And for the local conventional stuff (Newark NJ Police etc.), the home Patrol 1 gets a workout, even as limited as it is in today's digital world.

Yes, I spent the $700, but no I am not disappointed in the overall performance - just the display hiccup. Even the "hum" problem that a lot of people experienced. But I do want to explore the other options once this is resolved (ProScan, RR paid membership, etc.) All seem like great tools to maximize the use and enjoyment of this. If i had a busy life right now, then perhaps I might feel differently and follow your suggestion.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
I must be lucky that both my SDS200s are flawless, and I suspect that most are. It is unfortunate that QC seems to be not to be a high priority at the manufacturing facility - sort of like American car companies until they started getting their butts kicked by higher quality competitors.


Feb 12, 2019
Belleville, NJ
Honestly, I would not even know how Uniden would do QC on the product at the factory. Back in the early 1990's - when I worked for the US parent company of the Panasonic companies at the time, I believed they would pull random samples off of each production run for testing. Even so, you have to have a really concise testing scripts and procedures - but mostly this is to validate the core features and basic operations as will be as marketed and sold once it hit the shelves. If they find a problem, then a decision had to be made on whether to pull the product before it leaves the factory (and fix the problem in a re-work facility) or get it shipped and deal with it at the destination. Back then, it was not uncommon to have a shipping container with 80,000 units of one particular model of VCR - usually an entry price point model. There were times that product needed to be re-worked once it got to the states. And we're talking about when product was actually made in Japan, and not the current logistics of Chinese manufacturing. I wouldn't know what the current QA/QC process would be from Chinese factories, where one factory might have about 200,000 employees at a point in the day manufacturing product.

I don't believe that Uniden is pumping out huge production numbers of their scanner line, as it is a niche market. However, they do have to rely on the consistency of parts and sub-assembly manufacturing that are made in other factories< Who knows if they even know if, when, and where those subassemblies are made. The only focus is the product coming out of the final assembly point. So, if this failure occurred pre-assembly of the final product, who would ever QC that, if that process is not audited? Who knows. I don't think Chinese factories are bound by ISO standards, so this could be a nightmare for any company getting things made over there. I don't know, maybe Apple has a better success record. Who knows.

Anyway, I apologize for droning on. I will stop now to stop getting off topic. I guess i always search for the root cause to gain better understanding.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Honestly, I would not even know how Uniden would do QC on the product at the factory. Back in the early 1990's - when I worked for the US parent company of the Panasonic companies at the time, I believed they would pull random samples off of each production run for testing. Even so, you have to have a really concise testing scripts and procedures - but mostly this is to validate the core features and basic operations as will be as marketed and sold once it hit the shelves. If they find a problem, then a decision had to be made on whether to pull the product before it leaves the factory (and fix the problem in a re-work facility) or get it shipped and deal with it at the destination. Back then, it was not uncommon to have a shipping container with 80,000 units of one particular model of VCR - usually an entry price point model. There were times that product needed to be re-worked once it got to the states. And we're talking about when product was actually made in Japan, and not the current logistics of Chinese manufacturing. I wouldn't know what the current QA/QC process would be from Chinese factories, where one factory might have about 200,000 employees at a point in the day manufacturing product.

I don't believe that Uniden is pumping out huge production numbers of their scanner line, as it is a niche market. However, they do have to rely on the consistency of parts and sub-assembly manufacturing that are made in other factories< Who knows if they even know if, when, and where those subassemblies are made. The only focus is the product coming out of the final assembly point. So, if this failure occurred pre-assembly of the final product, who would ever QC that, if that process is not audited? Who knows. I don't think Chinese factories are bound by ISO standards, so this could be a nightmare for any company getting things made over there. I don't know, maybe Apple has a better success record. Who knows.

Anyway, I apologize for droning on. I will stop now to stop getting off topic. I guess i always search for the root cause to gain better understanding.
These radios are manufactured in Vietnam. Not sure what their standards or culture is wrt work quality. I would expect some amount of inspection.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2019
Cranston, Rhode Island
I have held off on purchasing any SDS scanners until the issues are mitigated by Uniden.

I like the Uniden scanners I have, and have not had a single issue that required returning one.

It would be frustrating to spend $700 - only to go through all that hassle and disappointment!
I am getting more and more discouraged by seeing posts about the hum and flicker. I have the money ready to buy the sds200......I want the radio, but I just think Uniden should take responsibility on these matters. They wont get a dime of my money till they can FIX these issues. and I quote the other poster on here who said "It would be frustrating to spend $700 - only to go through all that hassle and disappointment!" And I feel the same way. I think it is ridiculous to do a "home fix" regardless of how "easy" it may be. For my $700 I want a perfectly operating radio. Sure I have simulcast issues which are bearable for the time being, and I will continue to use my 996P2. I just spent $150 for a new OMNI X antenna which I had planned to use with my new SDS200. Got it all set up. But now with all these depressing posts about hum and display flickering, I don't know when and/or IF I will even get an sds200. I think personally with all the many many members on RR we should all collectively write to Uniden to get their act together on this. Then they can contact the manufacturer in Vietnam and tell them whats going on with the problem and to FIX IT!


Feb 12, 2019
Belleville, NJ
It is worth noting, that after everyone's help yesterday that I have the initial release of the scanner from last year. Has anyone here had these problems on v2. I see that some of the Retailers are making this ""v2" distinction in their nomenclature. If all these issues have been addressed in "v2" then it may be that your concerns have been addressed.

I would like to hear feedback from those with "v2" because I have experienced situations with other consumer electronics that the initiaal release had unforeseen problems whereas subsequent revisions or production runs have fixed those issues.

If you want a down and dirty example, I'll give you any Microsoft Windows product, where subsequent updates have fixed (and broken) many features and functionality. It's our feedback (and *****ing) that gets them to take it seriously. I could tell you my Microsoft Enterprise Support stories - and they are much more disturbing than any Uniden woes - but that's out of scope and focus.

I have to figure out how to host a video I took of my SDS200 display this morning. It started off fine, but 2 hours in and the screen was barely readable. The audio, however, was stellar!


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
It is worth noting, that after everyone's help yesterday that I have the initial release of the scanner from last year. Has anyone here had these problems on v2. I see that some of the Retailers are making this ""v2" distinction in their nomenclature. If all these issues have been addressed in "v2" then it may be that your concerns have been addressed.

I would like to hear feedback from those with "v2" because I have experienced situations with other consumer electronics that the initiaal release had unforeseen problems whereas subsequent revisions or production runs have fixed those issues.

If you want a down and dirty example, I'll give you any Microsoft Windows product, where subsequent updates have fixed (and broken) many features and functionality. It's our feedback (and *****ing) that gets them to take it seriously. I could tell you my Microsoft Enterprise Support stories - and they are much more disturbing than any Uniden woes - but that's out of scope and focus.

I have to figure out how to host a video I took of my SDS200 display this morning. It started off fine, but 2 hours in and the screen was barely readable. The audio, however, was stellar!
Apple also breaks (and fails to address) a lot of stuff - they and their fanboys just don't admit it, lol. [Note that before the fur starts flying, that doesn't stop my company from using a *lot* of Apple hardware.]

I'm not sure if there is an official "V2" SDS200 - I'm thinking this is more (dishonest) retailer marketing hype. When ScannerMaster starts calling their stock "V2," I'd be more inclined to believe it.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
It is worth noting, that after everyone's help yesterday that I have the initial release of the scanner from last year. Has anyone here had these problems on v2. I see that some of the Retailers are making this ""v2" distinction in their nomenclature. If all these issues have been addressed in "v2" then it may be that your concerns have been addressed.

Can you post some links to the dealers that you have seen claiming a V2 version of the SDS200.



Feb 12, 2019
Belleville, NJ
Apple also breaks (and fails to address) a lot of stuff - they and their fanboys just don't admit it, lol. [Note that before the fur starts flying, that doesn't stop my company from using a *lot* of Apple hardware.]

I'm not sure if there is an official "V2" SDS200 - I'm thinking this is more (dishonest) retailer marketing hype. When ScannerMaster starts calling their stock "V2," I'd be more inclined to believe it.

Yes, Apple does break things, don't they? No, I didn't see any of the the major ones (ScannerMaster, Uniden, Bearcatwarehouse, etc.). But, a couple of high-feedback sellers on e-Bay placing that "v2" in their listing. That is very disingenuous. I guess they wanted to denote that they were selling newly manufactured units from this year, but I didn't recall anyone else with actual web site storefronts (Amazon and the aforementioned reputable dealers). I guess in hindsight, it's difficult to tell sometimes who are actually "dealers" trying to move product through channels other than their website or Amazon. I don't know, is WebTron-x,, leudealsonline, considered Uniden Dealers? I don't know for sure, but suspicious of whether they are. But they seem to have a lot of inventory available at the disposal, if their "auction" listings are correct. Maybe they buy from a distributor? Who knows? It's probably another reason to buy from actual dealer with a verifiable reputation. Glad I didn't make a mistake and buy one of those off of eBay, but it was curious. I did a check back on eBay earlier and do not see anyone with a v2 being advertised, so those two particular sellers either sold them, refined their description, or pulled them. Who knows, but yes, buyer beware. Keep in mind, this was about two weeks ago before I bought mine - when I was checking eBay for any value. So, it's a bad assumption on my part that this "v2" was being floated as a delineator between the first production from last year and units that have been made thus far this year. Sorry about that.


Feb 12, 2019
Belleville, NJ
Anyway. Here's my clip of the screen flicker. It was taken within the past few hours. Can anyone who has had this problem confirm that this is what you have seen?



Sep 30, 2007
West Chester PA
I am not expecting a new unit from Uniden, but a unit that is working as designed out of the box. My friend is a dealer and sells Uniden products, but he buys his product through a Uniden distributor. He does not move enough product volume to become a distributor-dealer nor does he want that to become the focus of his overall business. Even if I pay him for shipping, ultimately, he is shipping back to his distributor (if that is part of the terms and conditions of his sale) or Uniden. I'd rather do that legwork while I'm working from home until NJ opens up again. I create a FedEx label, have them come pick it up, I'm done. I have a warranty, they have to honor it in good faith, and I'm willing to oblige to that.

Plus, I also have an SDS100 which has been working fine since I bought it two years ago. Ultimately, I got the SDS 200 to eventually use as a dedicated streamer, amongst other considered uses. And for the local conventional stuff (Newark NJ Police etc.), the home Patrol 1 gets a workout, even as limited as it is in today's digital world.

Yes, I spent the $700, but no I am not disappointed in the overall performance - just the display hiccup. Even the "hum" problem that a lot of people experienced. But I do want to explore the other options once this is resolved (ProScan, RR paid membership, etc.) All seem like great tools to maximize the use and enjoyment of this. If i had a busy life right now, then perhaps I might feel differently and follow your suggestion.

Check back with us once you get it back. Would be curious to see how many months it will take Uniden to rectify this given current product and component shortages..


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
I don't know, is WebTron-x,, leudealsonline, considered Uniden Dealers? I don't know for sure, but suspicious of whether they are. But they seem to have a lot of inventory available at the disposal, if their "auction" listings are correct. Maybe they buy from a distributor? Who knows? It's probably another reason to buy from actual dealer with a verifiable reputation.

A note about Uniden Dealers...

I have purchased from Webtron-x, and he is a reputable seller. He is also a member of Radio Reference. Hasn't posted in a while, but last checked in here on May 6th.

And also, I have purchased 7 SDS200 scanners from an assortment of dealers, 3 for myself and 4 purchased and set up for others in my area. All were from 2019, and not one problem with hum, screen flicker, or any other problems.



Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Anyway. Here's my clip of the screen flicker. It was taken within the past few hours. Can anyone who has had this problem confirm that this is what you have seen?

Definitely defective.


Feb 12, 2019
Belleville, NJ
Check back with us once you get it back. Would be curious to see how many months it will take Uniden to rectify this given current product and component shortages..

That's another good issue you bring up. I am wondering if Uniden would consider extending out the warranty by the amount of downtime they may experience due to repair backlogs. I don't mean to sound, well mean, but we should not be penalized from a warranty perspective on the inability to address. I'm sure that has to be a consideration.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
That's another good issue you bring up. I am wondering if Uniden would consider extending out the warranty by the amount of downtime they may experience due to repair backlogs. I don't mean to sound, well mean, but we should not be penalized from a warranty perspective on the inability to address. I'm sure that has to be a consideration.
I would imagine they would grant extensions / exceptions on a case-by-case basis, however I would doubt they would issue a written policy statement. As in everything connected with a warranty claim, document everything.


Sep 30, 2007
West Chester PA
That's another good issue you bring up. I am wondering if Uniden would consider extending out the warranty by the amount of downtime they may experience due to repair backlogs. I don't mean to sound, well mean, but we should not be penalized from a warranty perspective on the inability to address. I'm sure that has to be a consideration.

  1. If they decide to swap it out with a new unit (assuming any are left are in inventory) probably 2 weeks
  2. If they decide to swap it out for a refurbished unit (sometimes the case) probably 2 weeks also
  3. If they decide to repair it my guess is 3-4 months depending on current backlog and parts availability ..
You should exchange or return the radio regardless of any relationship you have with the seller, this is a business transaction. If the seller doesn't want scanner sales to be a big part of his business then he should not sell them at all. Really can't understand why you don't return it - really makes 0 sense to me. To each his own I guess..
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