I can confirm my sds100 has the same noise when hooked up to my feed. I am thinking it has something to do with the SD card but I am not a engineer so who knows. My 125at does not exhibit the noise issue in the exact same setup.
Picture of the audio control in radio feed.I'm using Scanner Cast. It works well for my TRX-2. I'm not familiar with the apps you mentioned. Do those apps have audio processing that removes this artifact from the 436HP?
If it does, then I'll need to find time to migrate over.
Thanks for the help.
OK, not cool at all!
I hooked this unit on my RR feed. You can hear it plain as day. It is annoying as hell. Just waiting for reception reports to be submitted by my listeners. I'm listening to my feed on my phone. YUCK! Come on UNIDEN.
Check noise on my feed channel.
No problem at all.Thanks! I'll d/l it and school myself, then try it out.
Appreciate it.
That’s just how mine sounded, could hear it across the room, very annoying. You can hear it in the video I made, but it was much more noticeable in person. Talked to scanner master and he said he had tried 2 of them and they didn’t have any of the issues mentioned but he had about them on here
Got mine from ScannerMaster too. Guess I'll need to initiate a return after all seeing as they have good ones. Although, strangely, not everybody seems to be able to hear it that I've demonstrated it for. It's about 50/50 as far as those who can hear it and those who can't. Age, hearing loss, the ability to "focus" on certain frequencies, I guess?
I heard it right off and didn't even know there was a widespread problem until I saw these threads a couple of days later. Just figured I needed to troubleshoot other outlets, power adapters, etc., and return if I couldn't figure it out. Then figured I would hold-off in case somebody found a solution when it turned out to be widespread.
I also have the SDS100 and it sounds fine, at least through its own speaker. (As well as multiple Whistler scanners.)
Yeah, Rich at Scannermaster even gave me a shipping label to return it, unlike bearcat warehouse..and i had to pay $50 to ship it with insurance. So i was very much appreciated ScannerMaster doing that for me. Awesome to deal with. He said i can either give your a refund or send you another one..i really didn’t want to try another one at this point and going to get refund. They gave me a shipping label for Priority 1 Day. I ended up ordering another SDS100 the one i use in the car does great in the house, so I’m going to use the new sds100 in the house for now. I may try a BCD996P2, found a good price, but I’ll have to see if i have any programming skills
Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk Pro[/QUOTE
I'm debating my options.
Yes the OP did.So did anyone ever try the Ground Loop Isolator ?
Yes the OP did.
So did anyone ever try the Ground Loop Isolator ?
Post #251 has the answer you are looking for.With no luck. Did it have any effect on lowering the hum.
With no luck. Did it have any effect on lowering the hum.
He meant he turned the volume of the video up and didn't hear anything. Personally I don't hear anything either using headphones.
How was the sound quality after using the ground loop isolator. I know you said you had to turn up the volume more but did the quality suffer? Right now i listen at number 10. Where do you keep the volume after you put the isolator on.?Yes, it works but the isolator lowers the sound volume so you have to turn the volume control up to 80 percent or greater.
well there you go, pretty much says it all... TxScanner glad you could return the radio and get your money back, I of course would have done the same thing, I know you wouldn't have made that YouTube video if there wasn't anything to hear, what would you have to gain in lying.
I think you said you got that from Scanner Master, I guess since this is not considered a defect they will restock the radio and sell it to somebody else. My radios are right next to my bed, there's no way leaving my radios on all night I could live with that.
Uniden has the right to run their business anyway they want and can choose to sell scanners or not, just like we have the right to keep our money in our pocket.
Thank God my sds100 is problem-free and that is what I'll settle on.
I'm disappointed but come on, enough is enough with this nonsense.
I don’t think they are accusing him of lying they are simply saying that they can’t hear it
Sent from my iPhone
I’ve only had mine since Tuesday and I can’t hear anything from mine. Even since this thread started I got my ear as close as I could to the speaker without touching it and still can’t hear anything like described in this thread.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I never said they were, I merely meant if TxScanner made a YouTube video of a noise emanating from his scanner from across the room and there was no noise to hear he would indeed be... A liar... and I said what would he gain from doing that. The noise that I heard I'm getting familiar with now and have heard it in person on a friend's unit. It was exactly the same noise.I don’t think they are accusing him of lying they are simply saying that they can’t hear it
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