Maybe thats why the description says Mobile Scanner, so you wont hear the hum that is exhibited. Maybe a base scanner is in the future without the free featured hum for use inside the house like the size of the bc898t. I ordered a Uniden bc23a off amazon which is an 8 watt amplified speaker since it was said here that the hum is non existant when using the headphone jack. I will have mine tomorrow night and report my observations.
The description for the BCT15X and the BCD996P2 scanners are mobile/base scanners too without any issues ever. Bullet Proof. Never ever a complaint about those radios with speaker hardware related issues. That's my point. Both those scanners were never 700.00 dollars scanner radios either. So to charge for that amount "we the people" deserve almost perfection. If a firmware upgrade could fix those issues then great. I am on board. But as we all know the BCD536HP radio never ever got the speaker pulsing noise ever fixed because its a "straight up hardware design flaw" that got pushed under the carpet. Not trying to bash again today but the truth is the truth. Give it more time, people will start posting as the numbers of radios get delivered.