Same here as I got my second radio today with a serial # of 88-0012XX. I am giving the serial number so Uniden can look at their production run. Same here with hearing the noise and if you lay the radio flat on a table you can't hear it. Also, before I updated the firmware from 1.06.25 and sub 1.01.10 same issue, no change. Then I upgraded the firmware to the current 1.07.04 and sub 1.02.00 same issue, no change. I also, tried another micro SD card with no change. The one thing I did notice is that the radio when turned on without the SD card it is silent with no speaker issue, but obviously the card needs to be in the radio so it will work.
I believe when you use a nice high end grade speaker it amp's it up big time and it makes you fixate on it. It's really the only way to hear a nice scanner since the speaker is buried on the bottom. But there is a reason why Uniden designed these radio's with an external speaker jack on the back for this reason.
I do say this is a hardware issue that needs to be addressed for the next production line of radios. Maybe some people can live with it and maybe some can't do it since it is annoying. I am sure Uniden can open up the guts of the BCT15X and the BCD996P2 and see what made these radio's perform flawless. End of my testing. Good Luck.
OP-I had been looking for your follow up with the 2nd radio. So you are saying the exact same issue with the noise is happening on the 2nd one?
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