I know this thread is old now, but in case anyone comes across it I've found what I think is the best way to program the SDS100
I do think as others have mentioned the SDR is the best and cheapest route for scanning. I don't think you can really replicate that with any other product except perhaps with multiple SDS which is pretty expensive, and still lacks a lot of capabilities.
After a lot of trial and error what I did was load up each ARMER system for my region in Sentinel into a favorite lists. As we know sentinel loads all the sites for an area, which can amount to quite a few. I just wrote them to the scanner and left it at that.
Next I found this program called ARC536. I just used the trial. I'll probably buy pro eventually, but the demo worked for me.
ARC536 lets me create a new favorites list. From there I can go into the lists created by Senitnel and pull out just the talk groups I care about and put them in a new list. I did that for multiple areas, taking care to note which site they belong to. You can easily copy and paste just like a spreadsheet. I don't know of any way to do this in Sentinel, but this program makes it very easy. I think I spent an hour or two total, even with the learning curve of a new program.
What you have to make sure to do is add a site for the Sentinel group you pulled from, and input the control channels. Nothing will work without those. They're available on radio reference here; the ARMER channels have a "c" next to them. You can just put the control channels into one big site and name it whatever you want but I broke them out for sanity and organization.
Last, I went through and hit avoid on all the talk groups I don't care about or those that are encrypted.
Now it scans
fast and I really don't get much of anything I don't need or care about. I added my most immediate area and then counties 30-40 miles away as a separate list so I can narrow it down when there's a local event. I can hit those but I'm probably going to get a discone antenna for best performance.
Anyway, a lot of good information here, and I appreciate all the input on this. Now to start working on my SDR setup...