Looking for a wifi adapter to plug into the LAN port to make it wifi on my SDS200 anyone else doing this? what wireless ethernet adapter are you using?
This is what I am using:
Vonets VAP11G-300 Wireless Portable WiFi Repeater/Bridge/AP Modes, Pocket Design 300mbps Multi-Functional AP Signal Booster, Plug & Play High Power WiFi Hotspot Extender Amplifier, USB Powered https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014SK2H6W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_QpwvEbYS506HX
I saw a video on You Tube doing this but I just searched and was not able to find it, but if I recall correctly they were using a Vonet device like in the message above.
Looking for a wifi adapter to plug into the LAN port to make it wifi on my SDS200 anyone else doing this? what wireless ethernet adapter are you using?
I'm using the same as jonweinke. Very easy to set up, especially if your router has WPS capabilities (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). A solid and reliable connection.
so how does gets it power? let me get this right you plug this into the LAN port of the sds200 but how do you power it? I see the Vonets VAP11G-300 has a usb cable for power.