The last post beat me to it, I totally confere go to and program in the Columbia tower trunked frequencies and The WSP conventional Freqs. and you are pretty well set.
You may also wan to program in these:
155.370 LERN 154.890 MARS
155.475 NLEC 153.830 Firecom
156.135 OSCCR
The above are police mutual aid frequencies. Below are Simplex ambulance to Hospital Freqs:
154.220 Dispatch F-1
155.340 HEARS F-2
155.280 E. County F-3
155.160 S. County F-4
155.400 Tactical/Special Ops. F-5
Have a nice visit ... K7NWS 145.33 pl(179.9), K7LED 146.820 pl(103.5) are friendly repeaters.
73, Bill