Updated.. Being there are businesses on it, I am tempted to rename it the Land Air Communications (NXDN)... Possibly the rest of the ops on the LTR will either be moved to this, or they will convert the other soon.
I am tempted to rename it the Land Air Communications (NXDN)....
20 Timber Tops Cabin Rentals - Dont want you to know what goes on in their cabins.
22 Bakers Towing Services - Dont want anyone to know about the tow job so they can charge whatever they want.
24 I dont see who this is and looks like we will never know. Could it be the maids chatting about the best deal on Lemon Pledge.
Hehe. At least you still can hear the good ones.
The thing is, until we can lockout un-wanted talkgroups, we will have to hear the scrambling. So whether or not you care about monitoring them you will hear it.