Howdy Plexus, Bill, Ryan!
I'm the FOURTH scanner user in Seattle

Currently running a DX-160, BC785D, PRO-2052 (in mothballs) and too many computers to list
I'm in South Seattle, Rainier Valley, a VERY lonely place for a radio enthusiast, so most ppl know me as the sole GoldWing rider in the area *smirk*
We're up around 130 & 99 all the time, my ex lives up there and my son attends Shorline CC
I had to learn scanners pretty much all by my lonesome (just like on computers in the early 80s) *ah, another siren* but now of course we have resources like this and other xlnt websites... pity RadioShack didn't keep a list of URLs for scanner stuff on their in-store computer kiosk, they'd sell a lot more radios
Anywho, After like 8 years of on-and-off scanning and analog radio tuning (you guys all remember dials and pointers, yes?

) in Seattle I noticed that while SPD, KCPD, Shoreline and etc may use the same =designators= (1-Union-3 f'r instance) they are most definitely NOT sharing TG numbers except for MARS and of course Guardian 1 and 2
Took Seattle like 5 years too - to settle down into a consistent use of their radios - when they first trunked you'd find signals all over the place... or maybe that was my radio
And it would seem they rely on the MDT a whole lot less lately...
So, anybody figger out =exactly= what TG 59920 is? It wakes up like some kind of EOC-MARS channel, like once a week or so with a lot of testing chatter but no real IDs just NAMES of ppl
Oh, and anyone hear CHP or distant WSP cars in the low 30s? I would reckon you'd need a decent antenna for that kinda stuff, but I read about it all the time, 7-meter skip and stuff
We have notoriuosly lousy reception here, because of all the steel in our buildings' structure.
but enuff whining, again, cheeriest Greetings and Salutations from the 2nd-busiest precinct in the Sound!!