"SHTFLI" GMRS Repeater 462.625 MHz

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 30, 2013
Long Island, NY
A new GMRS repeater identifying itself as "SHTFLI" recently popped up on 462.625 which is interfering with existing repeaters on the same frequency in the NYC area. It appears that this new repeater which sounds like it is in Nassau County, Long Island is running excessively high power. Can anyone give me further information on this new repeater and what the output power limitations are as per FCC rules and regulations?

Wasn't really recent. Machine went online almost a year ago and has been identifying since. As you guessed it, SHTFLI is a acronym for you guessed it, Sh*t hits the fan Long Island. This group was started by Long Island residents that saw a need for a backup plan after sandy. The owners were effected both directly and indirectly immediately following the storm, one of the owners even loosing his first floor to 6ft of water. Communications was a nightmare as most of you know and that led to a lot of questions on how people could communicate with each other and their families in the event of another storm.

All of the owners and admins are not only licensed gmrs operators but also hold ham licenses. The purpose of this group was not to be a vigilante organization but to help and assist on the far side of the caution tape. The ones that can not only remain online with a communications back up system but help their neighbors if needed. Usually the first responders are the civilians, then fire/police ect. All this group is doing is trying to educate people on getting the information that is "necessary and accurate" to those that can help. Not the buff that gets in the way. The site SHTFLI HOME is composed of regular member rooms and then additional subscriber rooms. Rooms consist of everything from communications tips and equipment classifieds to first aid, water purification, and food storage. Lists emergency contact numbers for local government agencies up to the federal level. Rooms on insurance topics and a place for issues with NY Rising. The idea behind the site is to provide a venue for neighbors to communicate with each other about current topics and possible future events.

As far as the "DRV" or Disaster Response Vehicle is concerned it is a decommissioned ambulance as you can see. Once again purchased from someone who acquired it from a Long Island Fire Department. (free T-shirt to the person that guesses where it came from). This vehicle is still undergoing improvements to serve our needs. Some of the items it is stocked with are first aid supplies, basic hand tools, blankets, batteries, glow sticks (for maybe the 3 year old that doesn't like to sleep in the dark) and more, as well as a communications center that will be extremely useful in the event of another communications break down on Long Island. This vehicle will have the capacity to relay radio information from 2 meters to 160 meters. This vehicle will also have the capacity to be deployed to a area and act as a mobile repeater to assist any agency with communications if called upon. This vehicle will also have a mobile data network (mesh network) that has the capacity to relay data from one node to another node until the information gets to where it needs to go.

All of our members are encouraged to get involved with agencies such as CERT, ARES, Local Fire Department, ECT. We believe in training and also believe if your not part of the solution your part of the problem. I encourage any of you to check out the site and see what we are all about. If your on the Island listen in on 462.625 mhz and see what our members are talking about.

Our Repeater is open to any of our subscribers with a valid GMRS License. We ask all our members to be professional and not treat the GMRS band how it has been treated in the past. This repeater DOES get extremely good coverage not because of it's power but it's height. Power limits are well within the acceptable range of Part 95 Law. This machine has two sources of back up power and can go days without any attention. Having the ability to call your wife in Selden from Brooklyn and let her know your ok kinda goes a long way during a storm. We also encourage our members to talk it up on a regular basis not because we want to beat up the equipment but because we want all of our members to get confortable with talking on the radio. Even with the wife calling the husband to grab milk and bread on the way home :)

In all seriousness, it's GMRS and we use it for GMRS. Have a license or don't talk, wanna help great!! Wanna complain, go somewhere else. Please feel free to reach out to me or any other of the owners at info@shtfli.com if you have any concerns or questions. We make it pretty easy and even have a phone number on the site. No need to alert the authorities with a question for us, email works perfectly fine.

If you are not local to the area and see what we are all about check out our stream hosted by W2LIE @

I thank you all for reading my novel and hope you check us out.

Thomas O'Boyle


Nov 7, 2003
Hi Thomas,

Thank you (from me) for the reply and explanation. We don't always get that. Communications was always a deficiency in the CERT program and when I was an active instructor, the coursework was very vague on how to communicate. And like I've been saying about cellular since before Y2K and 9/11: "If your emergency communications plan is cellular, you have no plan."

My mother's place down the shore in Ocean County took on 5 ft. of water and was wrecked with appliances floating out and the walls/carpets/furniture soaking it up. She still hasn't gone back and is living up north. Got another friend/former co-worker in Rockaway whose house got flooded and lost its roof. Actually pitched in what I could to help him get it fixed. Sandy got personal, too - and where I live now, next time it could be me. We have nothing like that here, except for a few ham repeaters including mine. I've got mine on two deep cycle batteries and have a solar charger and a generator hookup. It should run while the power company is trying to get power back on. Same reasons - keeping in touch and coordinating activities. If I didn't have the ham repeaters, we would be doing them on 6 meters where you don't need a repeater. Did it that way in the Midwest and had ball-and-spring antennas and 100 W base and mobiles. Got us everywhere we needed to be.

Sounds like a great idea, and great that someone stood up to do it.



Mar 23, 2012
Babylon, New York
Thanks Thomas for the excellent explanation.

To the original posters comments regarding interference. Since GMRS repeater systems are left to themselves to regulate the band MYGMRS.COM has been the place where this takes place. Repeaters are advertised by frequency and location, maps are generated so that potential new systems can make educated choices. If a system interferes with another then it is usually because they have not done their homework. You would be surprised how many small, medium and large systems coexist on that small piece of bandwith because of cooperation. If interference takes place then a simple email is all it takes, PL's are easy to change. LI for the most part the systems are spaced well and work very well together.

Then there is NYC which is mostly pirated unlicenced systems, usually car service and the like. Take an HT into Manhattan and listen to the noise floor rise. But even then the interference is still not from licensed repeater systems, it is the illegal and uncaring.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 14, 2004
Just one question - Is this GMRS repeater legally required to identify with assigned call letters, as an amateur repeater would be? This, as opposed to "SHTFLI"? The intent and purpose of the machine are above board and I'm not naysaying the project whatsoever.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 30, 2013
Long Island, NY
Just one question - Is this GMRS repeater legally required to identify with assigned call letters, as an amateur repeater would be? This, as opposed to "SHTFLI"? The intent and purpose of the machine are above board and I'm not naysaying the project whatsoever.

To answer the above question I will refer to a earlier radioreference post.

Actually, it turns out the repeater does not have to ID itself (though it's a good idea anyway) as long as the repeated station does ID itself.

Sec. 95.119 Station identification.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (e), every GMRS station must
transmit a station identification:
(1) Following the transmission of communications or a series of
communications; and
(2) Every 15 minutes during a long transmission.
(b) The station identification is the call sign assigned to the GMRS
station or system.
(c) A unit number may be included after the call sign in the
(d) The station identification must be transmitted in:
(1) Voice in the English language; or
(2) International Morse code telegraphy.
(e) A station need not identify its transmissions if it
automatically retransmits communications from another station which are
properly identified.

[48 FR 35237, Aug. 3, 1983, as amended at 63 FR 68975, Dec. 14, 1998]

Sec. 95.33 Cooperative use of radio stations in the GMRS.

(a) Licensees (a licensee is the entity to which the license is
issued) of radio stations in the GMRS may share the use of their
stations with other entities eligible in the GMRS, subject to the
following conditions and limitations.
(1) The station to be shared must be individually owned by the
licensee, jointly owned by the participants and the licensee, leased
individually by the licensee, or leased jointly by the participants and
the licensee.
(2) The licensee must maintain access to and control over all
stations authorized under its license.
(3) A station may be shared only:
(i) Without charge;
(ii) On a non-profit basis, with contributions to capital and
operating expenses including the cost of mobile stations and paging
receivers prorated equitably among all participants; or
(iii) On a reciprocal basis, i.e., use of one licensee's stations
for the use of another licensee's stations without charge for either
capital or operating expenses.
(4) All sharing arrangements must be conducted in accordance with a
written agreement to be kept as part of the station records.

(b) [Reserved]

[48 FR 35237, Aug. 3, 1983, as amended at 63 FR 68975, Dec. 14, 1998]

The FCC doesn't pay much attention to the written records part, true... but it is in the regulations.

Hope this answers your question.


Dec 15, 2005
I'm hearing the word Sh*t being used freely now on amateur repeaters. Not sure if the practice originated on GMRS.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 30, 2013
Long Island, NY
I'm hearing the word Sh*t being used freely now on amateur repeaters. Not sure if the practice originated on GMRS.

I would never condone that word to be used on the airways. Bad enough things have gotten out of hand both with everyday TV and Radio. GMRS has always had a bad reputation and its understandable with the history of it and how it has been abused. But it is the band that works for your everyday neighbor that wants to have a back up plan but cant have his wife and kids study for their ham ticket.

We are definitely not looking to change anyones feelings on GMRS. I would just like the purpose of it to be used for it was intended for.


Mar 23, 2012
Babylon, New York
I'm hearing the word Sh*t being used freely now on amateur repeaters. Not sure if the practice originated on GMRS.

It originated with the English Language, not GMRS. You seem very anti GMRS, almost what I call "Ham Arrogant". Why is it once someone gets his Ham license he feels superior and qualified to criticise all other forms of radio. I enjoy all forms of communication, I have my Ham and GMRS license. I prefer GMRS simply so I don't have to put up with that arrogance. I don't condone foul language but I am not a unrealistic prude either.


Apr 24, 2010
New York
As the OP of this thread, I can tell you that the co-channel interference that is affecting the licensed GMRS repeater is mostly in part due to SHTFLI. I am well aware of the MYGMRS website but their database for the NYC Metro area is out of date since the radio geography is very fluid.

As far as the "Ham Arrogant" comments from Willgrah, I feel that your personal attack on the other poster is uncalled for. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I too hold both a GMRS and Amateur Radio license and both radio services certainly have their faults, mostly all human in nature`.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 30, 2013
Long Island, NY
As the OP of this thread, I can tell you that the co-channel interference that is affecting the licensed GMRS repeater is mostly in part due to SHTFLI. I am well aware of the MYGMRS website but their database for the NYC Metro area is out of date since the radio geography is very fluid.

As far as the "Ham Arrogant" comments from Willgrah, I feel that your personal attack on the other poster is uncalled for. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I too hold both a GMRS and Amateur Radio license and both radio services certainly have their faults, mostly all human in nature`.

Are we still talking about co-channel interference? I'm still not sure which other machine on .625 you may be referring to as YOU have yet to identity the "other" machine or it's location. Again I can only urge you to reach out to myself or any other admin to see if this issue can be resolved in some manner. It has been some time since this thread was first started and I could have only assumed if there was still a ongoing issue we would have heard from you as the lines on communication are open.

As far as willgrah's post he seems to have his own opinion which he is entitled to have, as well as any other member on this site.


Mar 23, 2012
Babylon, New York
As the OP of this thread, I can tell you that the co-channel interference that is affecting the licensed GMRS repeater is mostly in part due to SHTFLI. I am well aware of the MYGMRS website but their database for the NYC Metro area is out of date since the radio geography is very fluid.

As far as the "Ham Arrogant" comments from Willgrah, I feel that your personal attack on the other poster is uncalled for. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I too hold both a GMRS and Amateur Radio license and both radio services certainly have their faults, mostly all human in nature`.

I agree that the NYC Metro areas radio geography is very fluid. But the database on MYGMRS.COM is only as good as the repeaters owners updates. They can add, delete or modify the information at will, anytime. It is the owners of the systems responsibility to keep the information updated.

As far as my comments on "Ham Arrogance". It is not meant as a personal attack by any means and I apoligize if it came accross that way. It is just something I have witnessed personally. I am a member of two Ham Radio Clubs, I operate a small neighborhood emergency GMRS repeater system listed on MYGMRS.COM. Bring up GMRS at any Ham social gathering and you will witness for yourself the negative reaction and comments. Quite often from those who do not really understand what the purpose of GMRS is. Is GMRS abused and misunderstood, yes it is, but rarely by those that are licensed. But I go back to my original comments in that if all of the illegal entities that operate on GMRS were elminated, it would be quite quiet despite an abundance of powerfuly repeater systems out there.


Apr 24, 2010
New York
It sounds like their system is expanding with a remote receiver or base further east in Suffolk County. I believe they would require special licensing to do this within the rules and regulations of GMRS and linking repeaters?


FAIL 01/93
Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2004
New York, NY
where in the GMRS rules and regulations does it say they would need special licensing. just curious to know. because I don't remember seeing it anywhere. only thing I have ever notices was that they cant link machines through phone lines. a bit of a grey area I guess.

The only rules in this particular area that I recall off the top of my head relate to interconnection of a GMRS repeater to a POTS network (telephone system). I don't believe the language of the Part 95 rules specifically prohibit a repeater link, but more prohibit interconnection.

Of course, prohibiting POTS interconnection pretty much prohibits long distance linking. Unless you have some means of over-the-air or some other method that doesn't involve attaching the repeater to the telephone system.


Apr 11, 2005
The only rules in this particular area that I recall off the top of my head relate to interconnection of a GMRS repeater to a POTS network (telephone system). I don't believe the language of the Part 95 rules specifically prohibit a repeater link, but more prohibit interconnection.

Of course, prohibiting POTS interconnection pretty much prohibits long distance linking. Unless you have some means of over-the-air or some other method that doesn't involve attaching the repeater to the telephone system.

Keep in mind, while "interconnection" and use of POTS for a an autopatch is not allowed, linking via a leased line (whether that is a pair of leased copper, a channel on a T1, Fiber or ROIP via DSL, etc)....is not prohibited although less than likely that most of us operators can pour money into leased lines, but I think some form of ROIP would be easier to reach.

The rules are meant to prohibit patches, and "interconnection" through PSTN (switch phone services).
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