Well, it's been a few years but I've finally replaced my beloved BC246T with another one the past week or so and I'm just getting around to getting it programmed for my "usual" listening habits. One thing I seem to miss is that Southern Nevada Radio Guide which seems to have up and vanished like a fart in the wind, I suppose. I had a copy from oh, 2007 I think, purchased at AES over on Polaris, and a lot of the info is still valid (it's not like the entire SNACC system changes everything with any regularity), but I am interested in making sure I'm as up-to-date with TGIDs and whatnot.
I do plan to get a BC346XT in the near future if things work out well, and one of the reasons is the UID programming/tagging which I've always wanted to do. I used to use Unitrunker quite regularly and compiled a fairly good list of UIDs on the SNACC system just by daily listening during the morning roll calls, recording the activity (of Unitrunker, literally recording the screen in real-time) and then going back and playing the video along with the corresponding audio so I could put a UID to an actual unit name for tagging purposes.
But that was years ago...
So, my question - and I've always wondered about this - is does anyone keep a fairly up-to-date list of the TGIDs for the SNACC system (overall) and going a step further did or does anyone put any time into actually keeping track of the UIDs for units too, or was I totally alone in going that far?
I've haven't seen any comprehensive list of TGIDs and forget about UIDs because I've never seen anyone post or share any of 'em, ever. Always thought the best parts of this hobby and HAM radio were sharing info so everyone benefits, but all I've ever seen posted are the most basic lists of stuff such as the one here in the RR database entry for SNACC which is good, and enough to get back into the game, but when compared to the amount of info in that Southern Nevada Radio Guide, it just pales by comparison. I always found it funny to know that some folks contributed info to that guide and yet the "publisher" of that guide really freaked out whenever people would share any info whether or not that info was in the guide or not - I mean, how can anyone put a copyright on a few letters and numbers and raise hell when someone else already had the same info gathered by other methods?
Or am I just missing something?
And yes, I - and maybe some other folks - do like to actually do UID tagging now that it's becoming a feature in the newer scanners so yeah, I do hope to compile a list even though I know the SNACC system has thousands of mobile and handheld UIDs. That's part of the fun, right?
If anyone can help, if they have some lists, spreadsheets, database files, whatever... I'd be interested in checking it out, and maybe perhaps share or compile the info.
Vegas has a lot of activity, seems like a shame that not much info gets shared amongst the listeners in this community.
Happy New Year to one and all... I'll definitely be monitoring the NYE talkgroups Saturday night. I live in downtown Vegas and this year for the first time they're using the Ogden - that rather obnoxiously placed condo tower next to the El Cortez - as a launchpad for downtown fireworks at midnight, so this should be interesting and very very LOUD...
I do plan to get a BC346XT in the near future if things work out well, and one of the reasons is the UID programming/tagging which I've always wanted to do. I used to use Unitrunker quite regularly and compiled a fairly good list of UIDs on the SNACC system just by daily listening during the morning roll calls, recording the activity (of Unitrunker, literally recording the screen in real-time) and then going back and playing the video along with the corresponding audio so I could put a UID to an actual unit name for tagging purposes.
But that was years ago...
So, my question - and I've always wondered about this - is does anyone keep a fairly up-to-date list of the TGIDs for the SNACC system (overall) and going a step further did or does anyone put any time into actually keeping track of the UIDs for units too, or was I totally alone in going that far?
I've haven't seen any comprehensive list of TGIDs and forget about UIDs because I've never seen anyone post or share any of 'em, ever. Always thought the best parts of this hobby and HAM radio were sharing info so everyone benefits, but all I've ever seen posted are the most basic lists of stuff such as the one here in the RR database entry for SNACC which is good, and enough to get back into the game, but when compared to the amount of info in that Southern Nevada Radio Guide, it just pales by comparison. I always found it funny to know that some folks contributed info to that guide and yet the "publisher" of that guide really freaked out whenever people would share any info whether or not that info was in the guide or not - I mean, how can anyone put a copyright on a few letters and numbers and raise hell when someone else already had the same info gathered by other methods?
Or am I just missing something?
And yes, I - and maybe some other folks - do like to actually do UID tagging now that it's becoming a feature in the newer scanners so yeah, I do hope to compile a list even though I know the SNACC system has thousands of mobile and handheld UIDs. That's part of the fun, right?
If anyone can help, if they have some lists, spreadsheets, database files, whatever... I'd be interested in checking it out, and maybe perhaps share or compile the info.
Vegas has a lot of activity, seems like a shame that not much info gets shared amongst the listeners in this community.
Happy New Year to one and all... I'll definitely be monitoring the NYE talkgroups Saturday night. I live in downtown Vegas and this year for the first time they're using the Ogden - that rather obnoxiously placed condo tower next to the El Cortez - as a launchpad for downtown fireworks at midnight, so this should be interesting and very very LOUD...