DSDPlus Some Errors but I Can't See Where Error Is!

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Oct 6, 2019
I am asking for extra sets of eyes see where I may have went wrong. All the sites work correctly though. Probably a false positive in it's error checking. Here is the errors:

From DSDPlus.event:
2019/12/25 00:14:05 DSDPlus.frequencies line #34: Invalid or missing network ID
2019/12/25 00:14:05 DSDPlus.frequencies line #35: Invalid or missing network ID
2019/12/25 00:14:05 DSDPlus.frequencies line #36: Invalid or missing network ID
2019/12/25 00:14:05 DSDPlus.frequencies line #60: Invalid or missing RX frequency
2019/12/25 00:14:05 DSDPlus.sites line #21: Invalid or missing network ID
2019/12/25 00:14:05 DSDPlus.networks line #11: Invalid or missing network ID
2019/12/25 00:14:05 DSDPlus.siteLoader line #66: Invalid or missing network ID

From DSDPlus.frequencies:
; DSD+ frequency file
; you can edit this file while DSD+ is running
; line format:
; protocol, networkID, siteNumber, OTAchannelNumber, TXfrequency, RXfrequency, sortOrder
; for TIII, siteNumber format = area.site
; use site number = 0 for network-wide definition
; use 0.0 for unknown frequencies
; use sort order = 0 to sort by OTA channel number
; protocols:
; D-Star
; dPMR
; Cap+
; Con+
; P25
; ProVoice

;Midwest City NEXEDGE48
NEXEDGE48, 410-1, 1, 1, 853.1375,0.0,0
NEXEDGE48, 410-1, 1, 2, 852.7250,0.0,0
NEXEDGE48, 410-1, 1, 3, 851.1375,0.0,0

;Chickasaw Personal Communications Site 357-5 Choctaw
Con+, 357, 5, 1, 454.0375, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1 CC
Con+, 357, 5, 3, 461.9000, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1 CC
Con+, 357, 5, 5, 454.2375, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1
Con+, 357, 5, 7, 463.5000, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1
Con+, 357, 5, 9, 461.3500, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1

;Chickasaw Personal Communications Site 357-6 EL Reno
Con+, 357,6,1,461.2750,0.0,0 ; DCC = 1 CC
con+, 357,6,3,463.4750,0.0,0 ; DCC = 1 CC

;Chickasaw Personal Communications Site 357-7 Edmond
Con+, 357, 7, 1, 451.8500, 0.0, 0 DCC = 1 CC
Con+, 357, 7, 3, 461.8000, 0.0, 0 DCC = 1
Con+, 357, 7, 5, 464.3250, 0.0, 0 DCC = 1
Con+, 357, 7, 7, 454.3125, 0.0, 0 DCC = 1 CC
Con+, 357, 7, 9, 454.0125, 0.0, 0 DCC = 1

;Chickasaw Personal Communications Site 357-4 NewCastle
Con+, 357, 4, 1, 461.4750, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1
Con+, 357, 4, 3, 463.8000, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1
Con+, 357, 4, 5, 464.9500, 0.0. 0 ; DCC = 1
Con+, 357, 4, 7, 454.2125, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1 CC
Con+, 357, 4, 9, 463.9250, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1 CC

;Devon Energy Site 108-2 Downtown OKC
con+,180,2,1,461.7250,0.0,0 ; DCC = 1 CC
Con+,180,2,3,462.1375,0.0,0 ; DCC = 1 CC
Con+,180,2,5,463.4125,0.0,0 ; DCC = 1
Con+,180,2,7,463.6500,0.0,0 ; DCC = 1

;Devon Energy Site 108-1 OKC Airport
Con+, 180, 1, 1, 461.8250, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1 CC
Con+, 180, 1, 3, 461.6750, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1
con+, 180, 1, 5, 463.2375, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1
con+, 180, 1, 7, 464.9125, 0.0, 0 ; DCC = 1

;Hobby Lobby CAP+
Cap+, 18695,1,1,463.7375,0.0,0
Cap+, 18695,1,3,463.8875,0.0,0
Cap+, 18695,1,5,464.0625,0.0,0
Cap+, 18695,1,7,464.2625,0.0,0
Cap+, 18695,1,9,464.4625,0.0,0
Cap+, 18695,1,11,464.6625,0.0,0
Cap+, 18695,1,13,464.8750,0.0,0
Cap+, 18695,1,15,463.4375,0.0,0

;Remington Park
Cap+, 28260,1,1, 464.5250,0.0,0
Cap+, 28260,1,3, 452.2000,0.0,0
Cap+, 28260,1,5, 453.6000,0.0,0

;Integris Health
Cap+, 7565,3,1,451.8250,0.0,0 ; DCC = 5 CC
Cap+, 7565,3,3,451.9125,0.0,0 ; DCC = 5
Cap+, 7565,3,5,452.3625,0.0,0 ; DCC = 5
Cap+, 7565,3,7,452.4000,0.0,0,; DCC = 5

From DSDPlus.networks
; DSD+ networks file
; you can edit this file while DSD+ is running
; line format: protocol, networkID, "network name"[, TIIIareaLength]

CAP+, 18695,"Hobby Lobby"
Cap+, 28260, "Remington Park"
P25, 92594.00A, "Oklahoma City Metro Public Safety"
P25, 92594.196,"East Central Oklahoma Emergency Communications Network"
NXDN48, 410-1, "Midwest City"
Cap+, 7565,"Integris Health"
Con+, 357,"Chickasaw Personal Communications"

From DSDPlus.siteloader
; DSD+ system/site loader file
; you can edit this file while DSD+ is running
; line format:
; trunked network entries:
; protocol, networkID, 0, "network name"
; trunked site entries:
; protocol, networkID, siteNumber, "site name"
; for TIII, siteNumber format = area.site
; conventional channel entries:
; Conventional, pseudoNID, pseudoSiteNumber, "frequencyInMHZ protocol channelName"
; note: "Conventional" can be shortened to "Conv"
; recognized conventional channel protocol names:
; Analog (NFM analog)
; FM (NFM analog)
; AM (AM analog - must be supported by FMPx)
; D-Star
; Fusion
; NXDN48
; NXDN96
; dPMR
; ProVoice
; trunked site entries can be copied directly from your DSDPlus.sites file
; frequency data for P25 trunked sites has to be present in the DSDPlus.P25data file;
; manually tune to P25 control channels to auto-build the DSDPlus.P25data file
; frequency data for non-P25 trunked sites has to be present in the DSDPlus.frequencies file;
; this data has to be manually added to the DSDPlus.frequencies file by you
; frequency data for conventional channels must be present
; in every conventional channel entry in this file.
; Conventional channel data does not have to be added to any other DSD+ data file
; data for any site or channel can be present more than once,
; i.e. favorite / frequently monitored channels/sites could be duplicated at the top of this file
; examples:

P25, BEE00.157, 1.11, "Tinker AFB"
P25, 92594.196, 1.1, "East Central Oklahoma Emergency Communications Network"
P25, 92594.00A, 10.10, "Oklahoma City Metro Public Safety"

NXDN48, 410-1,1,"Midwest City"

Con+, 357, 7, "Chickasaw Comms EDMOND"
Con+, 357, 5, "Chickasaw Comms Choctaw"
con+, 357, 6, "Chickasaw Comms El Reno"
con+, 357, 4, "Chickasaw Comms Newcastle"
con+, 180, 2, "Devon Energy Downtown OKC"
Con+, 180, 1, "Devon Energy Airport"

Cap+, 18695, 1, "Hobby Lobby"
Cap+, 7565, 3, "Integris Health"
Cap+, 28260, 1, "Remington Park"

Conv, 2, 2, "443.225 DMR"
Conv, 1, 11, "162.550 WX1"
Conv, 1, 12, "162.400 WX2"
Conv, 1, 13, "162.475 WX3"
Conv, 1, 14, "162.425 WX4"
Conv, 1, 15, "162.450 WX5"
Conv, 1, 16, "162.500 WX6"
Conv, 1, 17, "162.525 WX7"
Conv, 1, 18, "161.650 WX8"
Conv, 1, 19, "161.775 Analog WX9"
Conv, 1, 20, "163.275 FM WX10"
Conv, 1, 21, "462.0375 DMR St Anthony Hospital Security"

All of them work good when I use the siteloader or manually enter frequencies pertaining to each system. Sure seems to be a nitpick nag feature.

Thanks for any help.


Sep 19, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
410-1 isn't a valid NEXEDGE network ID.

Con+, 357, 4, 5, 464.9500, 0.0. 0 ; DCC = 1 Zero point zero point isn't a valid frequency

You didn't show your sites file. I'm guessing it's NEXEDGE NID 410-1.

Again, 410-1 isn't a valid NEXEDGE network ID.

And again, 410-1 isn't a valid NEXEDGE network ID.


Oct 6, 2019
410-1 isn't a valid NEXEDGE network ID.

Con+, 357, 4, 5, 464.9500, 0.0. 0 ; DCC = 1 Zero point zero point isn't a valid frequency

You didn't show your sites file. I'm guessing it's NEXEDGE NID 410-1.

Again, 410-1 isn't a valid NEXEDGE network ID.

And again, 410-1 isn't a valid NEXEDGE network ID.
I fixed the errors in sites files and most others except line 60 in DSDPlus.frequencies looks right but it still complains. 0.0 isn't the issue.


Oct 6, 2019
It doesn't look right. Zero point zero point isn't a valid number.
I entered a lot of 0.0 in the repeater input side but it only complains of 1 line at line 60 the rest doesn't seem to matter. I am not about to chase down repeater input frequencies.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2002
It's what he said about 10 point zero point zero point times.
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