Yeah, Warren pushed over to PD Region 11 around August 22. They're going to be there for a bit- new mobiles were installed in the cars, and the four portables that they have, along with some loaners from the county during the testing, were rolled out. I know there have been lingering coverage concerns, which were clear in basements of certain buildings during the test period. However, they don't have to keep flip-flopping frequencies every time a nice wave runs through. The only noticeable issue is the audio from their portables, 1820000-1820004.
It's just EMS10 and a couple of incidental PD transmissions remaining on the PD frequency. The local Warren entities remain on their respective repeaters.
It's just EMS10 and a couple of incidental PD transmissions remaining on the PD frequency. The local Warren entities remain on their respective repeaters.