Something I cooked up

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Nov 5, 2003
Puyallup,Pierce County, Wa.
Well from what I've seen so far you don't have a basis for making that claim. It is clear that you yourself honestly think it works, but you have shown no actual evidence that it does. And you have cited no theoretical argument for why it would work.

But if you think it works keep using it and enjoying it. But don't expect others to believe it just because you do.

This is a Hobby. If we mess around with a couple antennas and connectors on our receivers (scanners) and it works for us, then why do we need to provide you with evidence and theoretical arguments? Don't answer that, this is just a Hobby.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 10, 2010
Victoria B.C. Canada
This is a Hobby. If we mess around with a couple antennas and connectors on our receivers (scanners) and it works for us, then why do we need to provide you with evidence and theoretical arguments? Don't answer that, this is just a Hobby.

You were the one who made the posting and claimed that it was a fact, not merely your belief, that it was a better antenna. You make the claim, you provide the evidence. If you have no evidence, merely a belief, then why are you singing it's praises on a public forum?

Suppose I start a thread claiming I have modified my GRE-800 so that it will act as a police radar detector, but provide no evidence or technical details and make no attempt to explain how and why I did it. Do you think people would believe me just because I said it? I certainly hope they would no..

But if it makes you feel better, why not go out and buy one of those $1,000.00 per foot speaker cables that "revolutionize" the sound of your stereo system? They provide no evidence either, but make lots of claims, Well, at least you are not trying to sell your idea for thousands of dollars, but the difference is one of quantity, not quality.

All you have to do to get me to change my mind about your antennas is to provide evidence that they do in fact work better. If you can't or won't do that, then just admit that it's merely your opinion.

Testimonials are not evidence.


Feed Provider Since 2012
Jan 4, 2009
Grove City, OH (A Bearcat not a Buckeye)
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2004
South Florida
Ohhhhh boy . . .

Does that mean if you put two of these "dual" antenna adapters with FOUR antenna's on your scanner it will work even *better*? You'll be able to swat flies with that sucker then :p

** Just kidding ** :D


Oct 30, 2004
South Florida
Best Ever . . . .

:p:p Pulls in *EVERYTHING* :p:p

Nevermind all the connectors and adapters :lol:


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Apr 18, 2003
Chesapeake, VA.
Basic electronics math tells us that any two things with the same impedence in parallel will basically be half. 50 Ohms in parallel with 50 Ohms equals 25 Ohms. You have effectively un-matched the "antenna" to the radio. I don't see how on paper it should work. If it does, ok. I have seen more weird things.


Feb 6, 2007
In this particular case, the two antennas tied together becomes essentially a random chunk of metal connected to the receiver input. Sometimes, the randomness works in a particular set of circumstances, many other times, it does not. Just keep in mind that the predominant characteristic of this sort of thing is the randomness, not the science that describes a good idea.

It's quite possible that the perceived improvement comes from a reduction in co-channel, or adjacent channel signals. In that case, sometimes a simple attenuator can do the trick.

There is no harm done in experimenting around like that. Those of us with considerable experience in the art and science of radio already know that if a real improvement is to be made, it takes considerably more thought an effort than a tee connector. Those without experience have just acquired some.
Nov 5, 2003
Puyallup,Pierce County, Wa.
You were the one who made the posting and claimed that it was a fact, not merely your belief, that it was a better antenna. You make the claim, you provide the evidence. If you have no evidence, merely a belief, then why are you singing it's praises on a public forum?

Suppose I start a thread claiming I have modified my GRE-800 so that it will act as a police radar detector, but provide no evidence or technical details and make no attempt to explain how and why I did it. Do you think people would believe me just because I said it? I certainly hope they would no..

But if it makes you feel better, why not go out and buy one of those $1,000.00 per foot speaker cables that "revolutionize" the sound of your stereo system? They provide no evidence either, but make lots of claims, Well, at least you are not trying to sell your idea for thousands of dollars, but the difference is one of quantity, not quality.

All you have to do to get me to change my mind about your antennas is to provide evidence that they do in fact work better. If you can't or won't do that, then just admit that it's merely your opinion.

Testimonials are not evidence.

Everyone else is having fun with this thread and here you are getting your blood
pressure up cause you want proof.
As I said before,This is a Hobby. If we mess around with a couple antennas and
connectors on our receivers (scanners) and it works for us, then why do we need
to provide you with evidence and theoretical arguments?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 10, 2010
Victoria B.C. Canada
Everyone else is having fun with this thread and here you are getting your blood
pressure up cause you want proof.
As I said before,This is a Hobby. If we mess around with a couple antennas and
connectors on our receivers (scanners) and it works for us, then why do we need
to provide you with evidence and theoretical arguments?

Well you don't, and I am not requiring you to. if you make factual claims that you have no basis for, however, you should expect to be challenged. I am only pointing out a fact, it's you, it seems to me, who can't let go of it (or maybe it was another poster, my memory isn't that good and I don't intend to reread the entire thread to find out. If that is so my words refer to him, not you).

I pointed out a fact, namely that you have provided no evidence that works, nor any reason it might. Apparently you think pointing out facts is impolite, and there are places and times when it actually is, but so far as I can see their is no reason to believe that it is in this case.

Where did you learn your mind reading skills? I say this because you couldn't claim that "Everyone else is having fun" unless you were a psychic. My own mind reading skills are rather poor, the only mind I can read at all is mine, and only just barely at that. Or do you just like going around making totally unsupported claims?

But I think that the person who doesn't have a sense of humour is yourself, in this instance anyway.
Nov 5, 2003
Puyallup,Pierce County, Wa.
You sure like to argue ;)
Have you looked at the pictures in this thread......
Did you see all the smilie faces..................


gotta go, my side hurts from laughing so hard:D
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