Morris is very active on SPEN for monitoring and stop and holds, but they obviously still use MIRS religiously for everything over SPEN. I know there is going to a more radio savvy person to correct me, but unfortunately Morris is unable to group and transmit over MIRS/SPEN simultaneously when broadcasting a stop and hold. Morris occasionally uses the hotline, but not really. Only for calls on the border or making notification for an erratic driver.
Morris MIRS talkgroup has very good merits. No BS music, comments, etc. They do not multicast bulletins out over both as the message sometimes will be handled by two different dispatchers. It also keeps out of County comms off MIRS-1 so towns not affected don't have to listen to it.
Yes, there could be a good argument in favor of multicast but Morris has enough staff to handle doing it separately.
The first time someone decided to joke around on MIRS-1, his Chief received a recording along with the time and car number. Word got around. No BS over the air ;-)