Interesting. Thanks for the add'l Info
Eng2Trk - Thanks for the added info. I have not seen the PD fleet map, but was going on what I considered a reliable and well-placed source.
I knew EMS to Hosp was encrypted, just as the "Admin/Command" TGs are, so the supervisors, etc. can discuss matters with little fear of being heard by others. As you said, that is fine by me, too.
Why the PD encrypted nearly all TGs is beyond me. Seems a bit non-transparent and perhaps paranoid in a time when transparency in Gov't at all levels is being pushed and talked about.
If we had a viable "Press" community in the county, beyond two out-of-county papers, perhaps they would be opposed and could make the change so they could be our "watchdogs," as they are charged to be and avoid putting out what the public authority PIOs spoon fed them.
I'm not saying the PIOs put out wromng info, but they can put out just some details and hold back others, A monitoring "press" can fill in the details and voids not released in official statements.
What can I say, I'm a big fan of open government and an unbridled press.I think our country is based on those principles and others.