State of Texas Files Interoperability Showing for 700 MHz Broadband Network

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Mar 29, 2004
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MissionCritical Communications, Radio Resource International, and Public Safety Report - wireless voice and data communications for mobile, remote and public safety operations

State of Texas Files Interoperability Showing for 700 MHz Broadband Network (9/21/11)
The state of Texas filed an updated interoperability showing to demonstrate the technical and operational proficiency necessary to achieve operability and interoperability of public-safety broadband networks, according to FCC guidelines. The document is expected to be a model used by the other 21 jurisdictions that received 700 MHz broadband waivers, a Texas public-safety official said.
The FCC granted the state’s waiver request for early 700 MHz broadband network buildout in May. The interoperability document outlines the state’s strategies, methods and processes to implement a statewide public-safety interoperable Long Term Evolution (LTE) network. The state intends to have a recommended technical requirements document for local jurisdiction procurement use developed by Dec. 1. “Such a network would be realized through a fair and competitive procurement environment created by public-safety agencies desiring to buildout in Texas,” the filing said.
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