NJ State Park Police
Here's to clear up everything:
The unit identifiers they use are their graduating class identifier from the academy. The lower the #, the more service they have with the NJ DEP (agency). Also, as in the past, a unit was assigned to a particular park; not the case anymore. Unit 706 "out of Cheesequake" was on patrol at Monmouth Battlefield for quite some time recently. SPS PD went to a "regional" system - a way to maximize use out of them to cover each park/area. So, unit 4F13 in the old system is now 660 in the new system and is on patrol in the Central Region area (Cheesequake, Monmouth Battlefield, Washington Crossing, Princeton Battlefield, Pigeon Swamp, D&R Canal, or any other area that the State feels needs coverage.
So with that said, there is really no longer a need to compile a list by park area, since the assignment changes frequently; maybe by region would be more helpful. But keep in mind that they can change a officer from one area/region to another "with the crack of a whip." I frequently hear units from Cheesequake patrolling Liberty and Island Beach units on patrol at Bass River. It all comes down to "Regionalization" - North, Central & South (I was told that Shore is being phased out at one point, if it hasn't already).
Regarding the "master list" of unit #'s, when I asked to view the list, I was told that it was confidential and not to inquire about it again. And that was from both a Park Superintendent as well as a SPS Sergeant. Use caution if you post that info on here.
The Montclair identifier is the repeater tower that they are transmitting on. The output PL on Ch. 1 & 3 is the same state-wide, but the input PL is different (same input freq. state-wide) for each tower. Repeater locations include Montclair, Belle Mountain, Hill 1606, Mt. Kipp, Warrenville, Little Egg Harbor, Toms River, Woodbine, Salem, Waterford, Bakers, and a few others I forgot about.
The Maintenance and Park Operations call signs/unit identifiers have not changed - only the NJ State Park Police (formerly State Rangers).
I hope this clears up everything.