Sticky Thread For Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2020

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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Delaware having their little own First Responders overfly Weds of a Dover AFB C-17 up and mostly lower Delaware.
See if they can get a imaginative callsign for Hospital overflies.
Doesn't take long to cover the entire State.
Now just need MD ANG A-10's to do the same :)

Here is the schedule of the C-17 Globemaster III, one of the air force's most flexible cargo aircraft:
From North to South.
  • Christiana – 3:15 p.m.
  • Dover – 3:30 p.m.
  • Milford – 3:40 p.m.
  • Lewes – 3:45 p.m.
  • Seaford - 3:50 p.m.
An A-124 inbound BWI this evening from Italy.

Lousy day for a flyover


Premium Subscriber
Apr 12, 2004
Wallingford PA Villas NJ
Was gonna say didn't anybody check the wx forecast? Thursday looks much better. DOH!

ROYAL 50 is flying around north of Atlantic City so unless they launch another aircraft - perhaps that will be the one doing the fly by track.

Okay - an update - they just checked in with Dover radar on 132.425 and they are still evaluating the weather for VFR operations to do the fly by. Per comms with radar controller who asked them if they were still planning to do the flybys
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Premium Subscriber
Apr 12, 2004
Wallingford PA Villas NJ
ROYAL 50 is flying around north of Atlantic City so unless they launch another aircraft - perhaps that will be the one doing the fly by track.

Okay - an update - they just checked in with Dover radar on 132.425 and they are still evaluating the weather for VFR operations to do the fly by. Per comms with radar controller who asked them if they were still planning to do the flybys

The C17 did the New Castle portion of the flyby at 1750 feet (IFR). Going to do a flyby over city of Dover at 1600 feet or below and then landing Dover full stop.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Today's logs:

((Times are EST))

((Routine SPAR/PAT flts not included--Some acft idents from ADS-B Exchange website))

ADW: ((A/D 118.95/257.2, 125.65/348.725, tower 118.4/349.0))

0740- Avalon 35 (C-40 # 05-4163 AE189A 375th AW, Scott AFB, IL) off of ADW heading west.

0820- SAM 682 (C-37 # 09-0525 AE4A81 89th AS) off of ADW heading northwest. Checks in w/ZDC Hagerstown (134.15). Returned to ADW at 1725. Came in from Toledo OH. May have been prep trip for POTUS next visit.

0900- Venus 97 (C-32 # 09-0017 AE4AEA 1st AS) off of ADW heading southwest. Went Houston TX area then on to Dallas. Returned to ADW at 1650.

0910- DeeCee 31 (KC-135R # 57-1487 AE041E 756th ARS) off ADW heading southwest. Worked in AR633A/B, Knoxville TN area before returning to ADW.

1230- Marine 767 (UC-35 # 166767 AE1479 VMR-4) off ADW heading southwest.

1415- Reach 410 (C-17 # 01-0192 AE10BB) land at ADW. came in from Stewart ANGB NY. Departed ADW at 1530 heading northeast.

1645- Mussel 10 (UH-1 1st Helo Sqdn) local ops.

1700- Reach 296T (C-17 # 99-0165 AE080B) land at ADW. Came in from Phoenix prob with POTUS visit support gear. Departs ADW at 1815 heading west.

Titus 52 (C-12 # 83-0496 AE08ED) land at ADW. Came in from Elizabeth City NC.

1830- SAM 679 (C-37 # 09-0525 AE4A81 89th AS) depart ADW heading west.

PAX: ((A/D 120.05/121.0/250.3/281.8/314.0 Bay Watch 119.275/256.5/270.8/305.2/354.8))

0845- Score 50 (C-38 # 94-1570 AE0110 VX-20) off PAX heading west. Went to Rickenbacher ANGB, Columbus OH area for some pattern work before returning to PAX.

0930- Score 78 (C-12 # 163838 AE06E7 VX-20) local ops.

1000- Tester 08 (T-38C # 610925 AE1390 NTPS) local ops.

1015- Score 76 (KC-130J # 166381 AE08DC VX-20) headed south to Newport News/Virginia Beach VA then Richmond VA for some local activity before returning to PAX for patterns prior to landing.

1100- Tester 14 (T-38C # 6714943 AE138E NTPS) local ops.

DOV: ((A/D 132.425/287.525 tower 126.35/279.625 CP 349.4))

1115- Royal 50 (C-17 # 07-7176 AE146E 3rd AS) off DOV heading northeast. In PM did flyover of Wilmington & Dover for medical workers.

1200- Reach 409 (C-17 # 94-0065 AE07DF) land at DOV. Came in from Ramstein AB GE. Departed DOV at 1310 and headed west.

1600- Jumbo 70 (C-5M # 87-0045 AE058A 9thAS) local ops.


0840- Hoist 85 flt (KC-10s # 87-0120 AE0232 & # 86-0028 AE0227 305th AMW WRI) transiting area heading southwest. Check in w/ZDC Pinion (133.975) then ZDC Linden (133.55). Requests permission for random AAR along flt route in block FL240-260. Working on discrete (268.025). Hoist 85 flt went down to Baton Rouge LA then to Dallas TX area before returning to WRI. According to another post they may have done another "America Strong" support flt. at 1600 Hoist 85 transiting area on way back to WRI.

1105- Decoy 47 (C-17 # 92-3293 AE07D7 167th AW WVA ANG Martinsburg) off Martinsburg for local ops.

1230- Reach 260 (C-5M # 86-0025 AE0576 9th AS) transiting area heading south. Landed at NAS Chambers at 1250. Came in from Middle East. Departed Chambers & returned to DOV at 1745.

1555- Raven 1 flt (2 X MD ANG A-10Cs 104th FS) depart MTN working on discrete (266.6) w/acft ops checks. Check in w/ZDC Kenton (354.15) cleared to FL210. Maybe on way to Warren Grove PA range. Check in w/Raven Ops (275.7) w/status report. Land at MTN at 1655.

1710- Easy 40 (UC-35 # 165740 (AE04AE VR-54, NAS JRB New Orleans LA) transiting area from southeast to northeast. Check in w/ZDC Woodstown (125.45)

1820- GAF146 (A-400 54+30 German AF) depart Dulles heading northeast. Check in w/ZDC Woodstown (125.45).

1810- Army 338 (Dash-8 # 15-00338 AE5C8F) depart Manassas VA heading for McGuire/Lakehurst. Check in w/ZDC Woodstown (125.45).


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1210- Trunk 38 (E-6B TACAMO # 162784 AE0404F VQ-4 Det) off of PAX heading East.

BTW: there's an exercise going on on HF. Trunk 38 & Amato 37 are probably participating.

1219- Devil 11 flt (3 X F-16s NJ ANG) check in w/ZNY Middleton (322.4)
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