Sticky Thread For Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2020

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Jul 3, 2004
Alexandria, VA
I'm just south of Baltimore so guess there too many obstructions between my location and the Pentagon plus the low altitudes don't help. I'll put the tower freqs back in for awhile and see what happens.

They don't come in well here either! The PAT01 flight called in 5 miles SW of the Pentagon and it was weak but readable. I've noticed better reception downtown in DC. Like you say, the terrain and flight altitudes don't help. We need remote SDR's everywhere!


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
1730 local- Sounded like CONK 21 (maybe KONG 21?) moving through NJ/NY air space ZNY 282.3 direct Deer Park then ZBW 317.7
Fighter type audio


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

My callsign file shows Kong used by B-2 from 509th BW, Whiteman AFB MO. Maybe one was sneaking through our area?

I have friend out in Kansas who hears the Whiteman acft regularly. I'll check with him to see if they were active today and let you know what I find out.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Coast Guard welcomes new Northeast commander

Coast Guard welcomes new Northeast Commander
Coast Guard welcomes new Northeast Commander
Editors' Note: Click on images to download high-resolution version.

BOSTON — The First Coast Guard District held a change-of-command ceremony Tuesday in Boston.

During the ceremony, Rear Adm. Thomas G. Allan, Jr., assumed command of the First Coast Guard District, which encompasses eight states, including 1,225 miles of coastline from the U.S., Canadian border to northern New Jersey, and 1,300 miles offshore.

“My family and I are excited for the new challenge to serve the citizens of the Northeast," said Allan. "And I'm honored to lead the men and women of the First District."

Rear Adm. Andrew J. Tiongson, who served as the First District commander for the past two years, will continue his Coast Guard career as the U.S. Southern Command’s Director of Operations directing all U.S. military operations across the Caribbean Basin plus Central and South America.

"My father was a Senior Chief in the Coast Guard, and I grew up in Boston," said Tiongson. "This was a homecoming for me and it was an incredible blessing, the highest of honors, and the greatest of privileges to lead the men and women of the First District for the last two years."

Allan is a career operations ashore officer with tours across multiple units with a concentration in boat forces operations. His most recent assignment was Assistant Commandant for Resources and Chief Financial Officer at Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington D.C.

Vice Adm. Scott A. Buschman, commander of Coast Guard Atlantic Area, presided over the ceremony.

The First Coast Guard District includes more than 12,000 active duty, reserve, civil servant and auxiliary personnel. In an average year, the First Coast Guard District saves 427 lives, conducts 2,392 search and rescue cases, assists 4,536 people, and safeguards approximately $115,000,000 in property at sea.

The change-of-command ceremony is a time-honored military tradition that marks a transfer of total responsibility and authority from one individual to another. The ceremony is conducted in order to formally demonstrate the continuity of authority within a U.S. military command.

Today I caught

1445- Coast Guard 101 (C-37 # 101 AE10C1 CGAS Wash DCA) Working ZDC Cape Charles (132.55). Transiting area heading south. Came in from Boston MA. Ended up in Portsmouth VA. Usually the CG Commandant's acft.

Probably involved with the Change of Command ceremony.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Couple of Moody 23 Wing Special Ops headed Nantuckett area tonight.
RCH 5708 11-5765 HC-130J 2245z FL230
RCH 5773 12-5773 HC-130J 2300z FL230


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Today's logs:

((Times are EST))

((Routine SPAR/PAT flts not included--Some acft idents from ADS-B Exchange website Some logs taken from LiveATC feeds))

ADW: ((A/D 118.95/257.2, 125.65/348.725, tower 118.4/349.0))

0750- Marine 374 (UC-35 # 166374 AE0940 VMR-4) off ADW heading southwest. Working ZDC Montebello (121.675)

0900- Reach 339 (C-17 # 95-0103 AE070E6 437th AW Charleston AFB SC) depart ADW heading south.

0910- marine 374 (UC-35 # 166374 AE1479 VMR-4) off ADW for local ops in Harrisburg/Lancaster area.

0925- Navy 378 (C-37 # 166378 AE152C VR-1) depart ADW heading west working ZDC Linden (133.55). RTB ADW at 1730. Came in from Green Bay WI

0930- Anvis 22 (C-12 # 08-0376 AE291E NEVSD Davison AAF) off of ADW heading west.

0935- Reach 376 (C-17 # 08-8190 AE2FA2 437th AMW Charleston AFB SC) land at ADW.

0945- Wild flt (2 X f-16s 121st FS DC ANG) depart ADW working ZDC Casino (285.4). Also on discrete (238.175). Check into W107/108 (255.0) advises they are flt of two will be working way down to Wallops Island VA area. ((Heard them working on the ACY Live ATC Feed))

0945- Scary flt (2 X f-16s 121st FS DC ANG) depart ADW on discrete (238.175). ((Heard them working on the ACY Live ATC Feed))

0955- Reach 326T (C-17 # 71-7173 AE146B 3rd AS DOV ) off of ADW heading south.

1000- SAM 698 (C-37 # 97-0400 AE010E 89th AS) depart ADW heading west.

1025- Venus 97 (C-32 # 09-0017 AE4AEA !st AS)- off ADW and heads for Hagerstown area for local ops.

1355- DeeCee 21 (KC-135R # 57-1487 AE041E 756th ARS) off ADW heading east.

1705- SAM 725 (C-37 # 06-0550 AE206D 89th AS) depart ADW heading west.

PAX: ((A/D 120.05/121.0/250.3/281.8/314.0 Bay Watch 119.275/256.5/270.8/305.2/354.8/355.8))

1415- Score 42 (P-8 Poseidon # 167953 AE222E VX-20) land at PAX. Came in from Providence RI.

1915- King 02 (CH-53K # 168779 AE593F HX-21) local ops.

DOV: ((A/D 132.425/287.525 tower 126.35/279.625 CP 349.4))

0935- Rider 75 (C-17 # 07-7170 3rd AS) depart DOV for local ops. After local ops heads south. Went to Louisville area then transitioned to WRI area before RTB DOV.

1515- Jumbo 70 (C-5M # 86-0025 AE0576 9th AS) transiting area heading northeast. Came from Louisville KY area.


0918- Lobo 474 (UC-35 # 166474 AE1192 ) transit area heading northeast. Working ZDC Salisbury (120.975)

0935- Toxic 62 (C-12 # 96-00112 ADFF00 Army Chemical & Biological Cmd, APG MD) off of Phillips AAF heading north.

1000- Convoy 3462 (C-130T # 165161 AE03E9 VR-64 WRI) off WRI heading west. Working ZNY Harrisburg (133.475).

1345- Castle 50 (C-130 # 84-0120 AE0621 143rd AS DE ANG Newcastle DE) local ops in the Newcastle area & Castle 57 (C-130 # 90-1057 AE02F2) local ops in ACY area. Castle 57 in local ops in Harrisburg/Lancaster area in 1700 hour.

1400- Axeman flt ( 4 X A-10Cs (104th AS MD ANG Martin State) off MTN working on discrete (266.6). Return to MTN at 1545.

1410- Decoy 99 (C-17 # 89-7190 AE07CE 167th AS WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA) local ops in Martinsburg area.

1445- Coast Guard 101 (C-37 # 101 AE10C1 CGAS Wash DCA) Working ZDC Cape Charles (132.55). Transiting area heading south. Came in from Boston MA. Ended up in Portsmouth VA. Usually the CG Commandant's acft.

1730- Baton 73 (EC-130J # 96-8153 AE0247 93rd SOG PA ANG Harrisburg) local ops



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Just a test by Ron to see if we are awake -

1410- Decoy 99 (C-17 # 89-7190 AE07CE 167th AS WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA) local ops in Martinsburg area.

Should be -

1410- Decoy 99 (C-17 # 89-1190 AE07CE 167th AS WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA) local ops in Martinsburg area.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

My callsign file shows Kong used by B-2 from 509th BW, Whiteman AFB MO. Maybe one was sneaking through our area?

I have friend out in Kansas who hears the Whiteman acft regularly. I'll check with him to see if they were active today and let you know what I find out.
My Kansas friend says he heard no B-2s active today so it's still a mystery.


Sep 21, 2002
Northern Virginia
The USN Blue Angels are conducting a flyover of the Naval Academy this morning. Will be entering holding after getting gas from the Hoist flight.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
0945-Hoist 91 (KC-10 # 85-0030 AE0222 305th AMW WRI) & Hoist 90 (KC-10 # 86-0027 AE86-0027) working ZDC Brooke (126.875) & PTC (125.65) for AAR heading northeast through area coming from Montgomery AL area. Also on discrete (268.025). AAR w/Blue Angels overflying US Naval Academy as part of virtual graduation ceremonies. Working w/Blues on discrete (289.8). Hoist flt also working ADW approach (335.5).
Hoist flt advises PTC that after flyover they will accompany Blue Angels back down through Cherry Point NC. Blues working on discrete (284.25)
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine
Busy day for WRI tanker fleet. HOSERS, HOISTS, GOLDS, TOPCATS all working today.

12100- Hoist 90 flt starts heading south taking Blues back home.
Busy tanker day up here for sure Ron. The GOLDs were part of an F-35 Coronet flight heading to Lajes from Hill AFB. Besides tanker heaven up here, we now have a VENUS 91 98-0001 C-32 inbound to Bangor and VENUS 62 18-1942 working at Portland. The VENUSes have been coming to Bangor for pattern work the past few days. Maybe they're dropping in to pick up some lobster! ;-)
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1300- Wept 18 (E-6B TACAMO # 163920 AE0412 VQ-4 Det) off PAX heading southwest.
Busy tanker day up here for sure Ron. The GOLDs were part of an F-35 Coronet flight heading to Lajes from Hill AFB. Besides tanker heaven up here, we now have a VENUS 91 98-0001 C-32 inbound to Bangor and VENUS 62 18-1942 working at Portland. The VENUSes have been coming to Bangor for pattern work the past few days. Maybe they're dropping in to pick up some lobster! ;-)

I thought lobster was spelled lobstah :D
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