TIGER flight eastbound, maybe to Lajes again. TIGER 11 (x2) direct ERI then flightplan route, TIGER 13 split off after tanking over Indiana. Hearing data pings on 297.525u and some interplane comms 341.750.
Just turned on the radios here Jared. TIGER 13 passing through at 2320z working ZBW on 307.000 then Moncton Center on 260.900 with no joy. Switched to Guard on 243.000 then went to VHF Moncton Center on 135.200 at FL320. Sounds like a single ship here. No mention of another plane, no A-A comms heard.
Updated Logs -
2320z 307.000 TIGER 13 check in with ZBW, FL320.
2344z 290.600 TIGER 13 check in with Moncton Center. Numerous calls, nothing heard switching to Guard.
2351z 243.000 TIGER 13 with radio check, nothing heard on 260.9 switched to VHF Moncton Cneter.
2352z 135.200 TIGER 13 check in with Moncton Center, FL320
0002z 341.740 TIGER 11 & 12 A-A comms.
0003z 360.600 TIGER 11,12 wkg ZBW switching to next controller.
0003z 307.000 TIGER 11,12 check in with ZBW in the block 360-370 non standard.
0017z 307.000 TIGER 11 requests FL360-370 block for Oceanic. Request clearance.
0017z 341.750 TIGER 11,12 discussing U comm and their log in name.