Damned old arthritic fingers coupled with failing eyes. Not a good combination371.900
I'm guessing the next QSY is ZID.
Damned old arthritic fingers coupled with failing eyes. Not a good combination371.900
Damned old arthritic fingers coupled with failing eyes. Not a good combination
2129- Not hearing anything. They are about 200 miles from my QTH so I guess they are gone. It was fun while it lasted.
SPUR/IDOL on a/a 373.6.2042- ZNY 282.300 asking IDOL to call SPUR and get them to call ZNY on 128.300, anyone get that on A-A ? Frequency ?
2046- IDOL 11 still on 282.30, cleared direct KBAD
2048- to 270.30 (133.475)
I was trying to get the BLUE 31 coronet flight when they were told to contact Gander 133.000 at 15:57 UTC but nothing heard on the YYT LiveATC feed. They might have the frequency split or something wrong with my audio ? Anyone else get them ? Anyway by my estimation they should be passing by the DC area around 14:00 EST reportedly enroute to KWRB in case anyone wasn't aware of it.
ADS-B Exchange - track aircraft live
ADS-B Exchange - track aircraft live - aircraft flight
Try here for tracking
Okay thanks. Looks like they just popped up on ADSB-X and do have them on Moncton now (LiveATC).
Has there been any mention of plan for when President Biden returns to DE. Will AF1 land at KDOV?
That was the genesis of the question. I should have asked directly if MARINE 1 would make the entire trip. I did see the parking lot at the state park (in this forum I believe) but was not sure if that was too much distance.
Has there been any mention of plan for when President Biden returns to DE. Will AF1 land at KDOV?