B-2 MISTY 11 headed east past Kentucky at FL370 at 10:55 am EDT, sounds like a single talking with Indianapolis Center on 322.425>353.825>284.725>346.3.>335.525.
Cleared direct Toledo. An airshow or football game flyover?
Usual B-2 weather avoidance request with the comment that their onboard radar is not very good at seeing the cells (individual thunderstorms).
MISTY says that they have 'zero ability to dissipate electricity' so they have to stay at least 40 nautical miles from any convective activity. That helps solve the puzzle as to why they will usually try to avoid icing conditions with such a wide berth. Often, in icing you will see St. Elmo's Fire on the windshield of a jet, little lightning bolts that zap across the windshield.
MISTY 11 gets recleared direct Rosewood, direct Toledo to avoid weather.
MISTY 11 (WM B-2)
346.300 INDY.C. request direct Rosewood (ROD), then Toledo (TOL), 11:20am.
335.525 Cleve.C. due to the nature of our aircraft. We need to stay 40 miles from any convective activity, 11:29am. (Don't get them wet, & don't feed them after midnight!)
263.025 Cleve.C. mid to low 20's. What ever works for you. 11:40am.
379.950 Cleve.C. 11:46am.
371.950 Cleve.C. 11:48am.
344.300 TOR.C. 11:51am.
Going to the London airshow.
Chuck in Detroit / NODAK 1