Callsign was HUSTLER 11 (not on Ron's list).
ATC through the area was 125.150 RDG APP -> 123.800 PHL APP -> 125.400 PHL APP -> 126.475 WRI APP
It is now
Callsign was HUSTLER 11 (not on Ron's list).
ATC through the area was 125.150 RDG APP -> 123.800 PHL APP -> 125.400 PHL APP -> 126.475 WRI APP
The 3 UH-60 Customs Blackhawks went right over me here in Detroit heading for Selfridge. I wasn't able to get out of the house quick enough to see them go by. I forgot to watch for them on ADSB.TROY Flight. Departed KFRG using the callsign TROY 215 then in the JFK area changed it to TROY 194. Mentioned destination was Michigan.
1500 local NOBLE-11,12 look to be going RTB Barnes as storm/rain front moves in A/A 263.850
Rgr that typo.. ThanksDid you mean A/A 264.850 ?
Rgr NOBLE-21,22 inbound CAP 1721 local on ZDC 363.000 A/A 259.0001730 - sounds like the CAP is back
Visual on both tanker and fightersRgr NOBLE-21,22 inbound CAP 1721 local on 363.000
US Delegation on way to Alaska stop from Andrews then onto Japan for Prime Min Abe funeral.
SPAR-21 C-40C #05-0932
SAM-708 #98-0001 prob AF-2.
SAM-071 #98-0002.