Streaming of commercials over Broadcastify feeds?

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Inside the Galaxy
Sep 26, 2017
Radio Galaxy
I'm providing multiple digital radios, a brand new computer, the bandwidth, electricity, maintenance and time to reply to the emails from idiots that report "no audio" when it's user error 99% of the time. I don't recall opting in to this, and don't expect to hear ads on my own feed. Why on earth would I agree to invest the money into such a system, in order for others to profit from it.

And yes, I am logged in. I am able to listen to the archives.
They have to make money some how. Premium users don’t hear ads if they’re logged in. If the nonpaying users don’t want to hear ads, they can buy premium. It’s pretty cheap


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
I'm providing multiple digital radios, a brand new computer, the bandwidth, electricity, maintenance and time to reply to the emails from idiots that report "no audio" when it's user error 99% of the time. I don't recall opting in to this, and don't expect to hear ads on my own feed. Why on earth would I agree to invest the money into such a system, in order for others to profit from it.

And yes, I am logged in. I am able to listen to the archives.
It is not yours when you agreed to the terms as stated you can always remove your scanner from the feeds and pay for a premium subscriber fee and receive content from RR Database.


Feed Provider
Jan 2, 2003
It is not yours when you agreed to the terms as stated you can always remove your scanner from the feeds and pay for a premium subscriber fee and receive content from RR Database.

I rarely use any of the premium services. And it's besides the point if I do. When broadcastify first started, they were asking for volunteers. If any other organization did that, and then proceeded to make money off of the volunteers provided equipment and services, it would be noted. If they can't run the system without using ads, they shouldn't be in the business of providing the service. Plain and simple. How much of the owners own money are they putting into the system? Is all of the income and expenses documented for us to see, as all non profits are supposed to provide? This is non profit, right??


Inside the Galaxy
Sep 26, 2017
Radio Galaxy
If they can't run the system without using ads, they shouldn't be in the business of providing the service. How much of the owners own money are they putting into the system?
You do know a business needs money to survive right?
Not sure but i'm willing to bet if you tag him, he would tell you.

This is non profit, right??


Feed Provider *York Pa.*
Premium Subscriber
Feb 28, 2005
Delta, Pa
I'm sure there is a very large money stream coming in from Uniden and Whistler. They are not using the database in their scanners for free..Don't be fooled, there's good money being made and profits being spent..


No longer interested in living
Aug 2, 2013
I did it to provide a volunteer service. Not for others to benefit financially from. Let's see the P&L sheets.
I don't think it's a publicly traded company, so that's up to the owner(s) to decide if you can see them. How would that help your situation anyway?


Feed Provider
Sep 7, 2018
Norwich, CT
So you're asking if you would like to chain your ads in front of our ads?

Well, there are a number of issues there
1) People probably will respond super-triple-double-negatively to a bunch of chained advertisements
2) How does Broadcastify handle not delivering ads to premium subscribers when you are inserting ads into your streams?
3) Will it be worth it to you to go through all the trouble to set that up for about $2/month? Because in looking at the traffic your feeds see, that's probably about what you would earn on all your feeds grouped together. That's just the reality.
4) No pre-roll audio advertiser is going to work with you in the first place to deliver ads to such a small segmented audience.

So, I think the answer to your question will be no, we won't allow that on Broadcastify. If that is an approach you want to take, I'd recommend you do that hosting the feed yourself on your own platform.

Oh, I have a number of issues as well.. Love you man.. But why would you call out a feed provider like that? Gross.. Please!!! I love everything you guys do for us providers, but seriously? Call out a feed providers possible "profit" WTF??? LAST thing any feed provider cares about is profit.. We feed providers are barley hanging on.. Are you guys even listening? We just want our live feeds heard for our neighbors and public safety.. . We don't care about profit. We are literally under attack by our police going full E.. You are shooting yourself in the foot. Remember, feed providers are your lifeblood. We are what made you to the top. From the start we have made ZERO $$$ to provide our feeds. Please guys we need a delay option for feed providers. We need something to show our agencies that we care about their safety..


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
Dear feed provider the owner of this site pays all the bills THE INTERNET IS NOT FREE. It also takes a lot of time for maintenance to keep the site up god forbid the site goes down for 30 minutes then you have 1000 people raising cain that are not paying anything demanding something get done now. The owner of this site has a full time job running this site. You are free to design your own software pay for your own site and run it the way you choose if you do not like how things are done here.


No longer interested in living
Aug 2, 2013
We just want our live feeds heard for our neighbors and public safety
You were just complaining in another thread that listeners were using a feed to taunt police. You can't filter who listens to the feed. It's arguable how much additional safety is provided by providing a streamed feed. I'm sure it happens, but it's not a common occurrence.

We don't care about profit. <snip> From the start we have made ZERO $$$ to provide our feeds.
You don't care about profit and you've made zero dollars. Sounds like you got exactly what you wanted, so what is the complaint?


Feed Provider
Jan 2, 2003

Direct from Linsday: "The advertisements on Broadcastify will be implemented exactly the same as they are currently on today. There will be no changes in advertising strategy, and we have no plans on putting advertising in actual audio streams. "

I don't think it's a publicly traded company, so that's up to the owner(s) to decide if you can see them. How would that help your situation anyway?

Feed providers are providing the source for the ads to be injected in. Without the feeds, there's no ads. Is it wrong to think that feed providers should have at least been made aware or included in the decision? Why not share the financials publically? What's to hide?

Just curious.... where did you get the idea that Radio Reference is a not for profit organization? Did you see that stated somewhere?


It was a rhetorical question.

Since we've established that the feeds are FOR profit, I'm curious how they would be exempt from: 1058. Penalties

"The basic penalty provision for the intentional interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication is five years imprisonment and a fine under Title 18, United States Code. 18 U.S.C. § 2511(4)(a).

The first exception applies to unscrambled, unencrypted radio communications provided that the conduct is a first offense and is not for a tortious or illegal purpose, or purposes of direct or indirect commercial advantage or private financial gain."


Feed Provider
Jan 2, 2003
So Whistler and Uniden are guilty by your standards sorry you are beating a dead dog get over it. Like I posted you do not have to do this and are free to leave you do not own this site.

I'm not sure why you're so defensive. I'm simply asking questions. Although, I'm not sure how whistler or uniden are "guilty"? My "standards"? If you're insinuating that I would think they're guilty because they provide equipment, i do not think that. I'm not using they're equipment for financial gain.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 1, 2008
Navajo County AZ
Since we've established that the feeds are FOR profit, I'm curious how they would be exempt from: 1058. Penalties

"The basic penalty provision for the intentional interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication is five years imprisonment and a fine under Title 18, United States Code. 18 U.S.C. § 2511(4)(a).

The first exception applies to unscrambled, unencrypted radio communications provided that the conduct is a first offense and is not for a tortious or illegal purpose, or purposes of direct or indirect commercial advantage or private financial gain."
I am no Lawer, but I do love a good logical debate. My first reaction to this thread was... This is a free country, you agreed to to the terms, if you don’t like it remove your feed and broadcast it yourself.... the above law you posted is interesting. Since you are now knowingly providing that feed for profit would that make you an accomplice? Maybe you should remove your feed and contact the FBI and report the site. I am going to assume RR has at least one Lawer on staff and addressed this law. It is interesting, just reading it I would think it violates the law, there is more to it then just the written Words, judges do interpret laws differently. I also remember another law that states you can not divulge any info you hear and a scanner. I forget the exact wording. I always wondered how streaming feeds got around that.
A lot of money is made from the data base. All that info comes from people listening for hours finding and verifying new TG, frequencies. They submit them, the site makes money, the submitter to my knowledge gets nothing. If you don’t want anyone making a profit off of your hard work, don’t submit the new talk group, or make up your own site and post it there. We are free not to help someone make money, or to help them make money. Don’t help them make money and then complain about it. Remove your feed. Problem solved.
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