Stridsberg MC202

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Premium Subscriber
Apr 11, 2005
Land of 10,000 taxes
Under 700 mhz is all I need for now. My SDS200 takes care of P25 and doesn't need the external antenna for now. Decided to keep the R75. The HF band was active last night. Has better options for HF than the 8500 and seems more sensitive. That will use the loop when I get it. But the 8500 would be nice to scan the band on both sides and then fire up the loop and R75 when I want to go after a freq I want to pull out that the 8500 found and having problems listening to. Appreciate all your help prcguy.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
What is the cutoff point for the HF connector on the 8500 and will you monitor 6m? Here is one I have at home that passes from about 1Mhz to 57MHz on the low side then 75 to 550MHz on the high side, not missing anything in the VHF/UHF bands. I remember buying it used on eBay for about $50.

Under 700 mhz is all I need for now. My SDS200 takes care of P25 and doesn't need the external antenna for now. Decided to keep the R75. The HF band was active last night. Has better options for HF than the 8500 and seems more sensitive. That will use the loop when I get it. But the 8500 would be nice to scan the band on both sides and then fire up the loop and R75 when I want to go after a freq I want to pull out that the 8500 found and having problems listening to. Appreciate all your help prcguy.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 11, 2005
Land of 10,000 taxes
Usually below 30 Mhz. That comet is interesting. Antenna farm has it for $10 less but the shipping gets you in the arse if you don't pay attention. Starting to wonder if I should just replace the discone with the miltenna for better reception. Not much in the 600 Mhz to listen to anyways. Was planning on adding this antenna next month but could replace the discone.



Jan 23, 2010
I would not expect a noticeable difference in reception. If I recall correctly...The Miltenna provides a dB or so improvement vs the discone at VHF air - the both have an omni pattern along the horizon. For UHF milair the Miltenna's pattern along the horizon becomes a bit directional with some portions having less gain than that of the discone. I assessed both for milair reception and decided to stick with my discone.

The Miltenna may be a bit better in terms of preventing overload compared to a discone but that may or may not provide enough benefit to solve a problem. For instance, in the FMBCB the gain of the Miltenna may only be 10 dB below that of a discone (guestimate).

Usually below 30 Mhz. That comet is interesting. Antenna farm has it for $10 less but the shipping gets you in the arse if you don't pay attention. Starting to wonder if I should just replace the discone with the miltenna for better reception. Not much in the 600 Mhz to listen to anyways. Was planning on adding this antenna next month but could replace the discone.



Premium Subscriber
Apr 11, 2005
Land of 10,000 taxes
I would not expect a noticeable difference in reception. If I recall correctly...The Miltenna provides a dB or so improvement vs the discone at VHF air - the both have an omni pattern along the horizon. For UHF milair the Miltenna's pattern along the horizon becomes a bit directional with some portions having less gain than that of the discone. I assessed both for milair reception and decided to stick with my discone.

The Miltenna may be a bit better in terms of preventing overload compared to a discone but that may or may not provide enough benefit to solve a problem. For instance, in the FMBCB the gain of the Miltenna may only be 10 dB below that of a discone (guestimate).
Well, I can hear the tower with the discone about 15 miles away as the crow flys so guess am at a good height. Cannot hear it when using my R30 indoors. Think I will wait on that purchase.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
Don't bother with 'T' connectors, they won't work for this.
Simply put. your discone should go to the VHF/UHF antenna input. That will give you 100 to 1000 Mhz max.
You will need a separate HF antenna and coax for the HF/MF/LF.
Even the best HF antenna is only good to 60 Mhz.
That MP1DXMAX is only good for HF ham bands, NOT vhf Lousy for general coverage HF and to LF.
That telescoping whip for the back of the receiver would do better on VHF/UHF.
If the idea is a sigle leadin coax, you will need 2 diplexers, One for the antennas on the roof and one to split to the separate band antenna inputs.
My discone feeds my scanner, SDR, and TV.
Very poor performance below 100 Mhz and no lower TV channels.
The solution:
A separate antenna for 30 to 88 Mhz, 'combined' with a diplexer to the discone.
My HF/MF/LF is separate everything.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
Thanks prcguy. Just wanted to be able to scan continuously without having to change coax connections between HF and UHF/VHF. The 8500 was to be my overall radio to go through the bands. Looks like will have to use separate cables for now. Got a recommendation for a diplexer?
Does not the radio switch antenna inputs based on band selection ?


Premium Subscriber
Apr 11, 2005
Land of 10,000 taxes
Does not the radio switch antenna inputs based on band selection ?
I have 3 ports on the back of the 8500. VHF/UHF, and 2 for HF. One of the 2 for HF is for a wire.

The comex Duplexer works awesome. With my discone, can actually scan through all the bands now without issues. That worthless t connector I bought was junk and didn't work at all. Maybe there was a conflict of radio waves going into one feed that caused issues. I don't know. Couldn't listen to anything high or low with the T connector. This comet separates the two. No loss of signal using it. As for the discone and HF, I strung a 50 foot wire recently about 20 feet in the air. Compared the two and still get the same signal or better on my discone. Discone is about 35 feet in the air.
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Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Compared the two and still get the same signal or better on my discone. Discone is about 35 feet in the air.
The wire should perform much better. You usually cannot connect a wire directly to a receiver as it will pick up an insanely high amount of noise and interference from your room and building. You'll need to use the coax input and let a coax cable go outside for as long as you can and then use a balun, a 9:1 will probably work, to convert from coax to a single end wire. Here's a $10 one but you'll need a water tight box for it.

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