Mike, just for grins plug 147.135 into one of your monitors and see if it talks when the 158 channel does.
Back in the 1970s when San Diego PD was using a particular vintage GE mobile radio, one could always tell when a SDPD car, operating on one particular 159 MHz channel, was within a quarter mile (or so) because of the receiver IF spurs at +/- 11.1 MHz...
Huh...ok I think I get what you're saying...but, wouldn't that be the associated LO's spurs? I'm not sure I see how the math works on that one but complex spurious stuff can always throw up some weird unintentionals! Anyway, if I am getting what you're saying right, you're thinking someone's ham rig near me throws out a strong spurious when listening to the Palomar 147.130 repeater which contains the modulated audio of the fundamental 147.130MHz signal? Interesting but here's a few problems with that:
1) I never hear any other individuals talking on the system besides the two folks (man and woman) previously mentioned and they have never identified with any ham callsign (or ANY callsign, as far as I have heard). They also never seem to be talking with anyone else; I can detect no hint of the usual type of discourse I hear on the Palomar ham repeaters (and I do monitor those from time to time) nor any of the "regulars" on those repeaters on the system I am hearing on 158.235MHz.
2) The signals are VERY clean; well, I lack a spectrum analyzer so I can't say exactly how clean, of course, but the audio sounds like very clean 100% full quieting FM with no background "gunk" (including no hint of another carrier mixing with it so I don't think it's any kind of intermod). It's one of the cleanest sounding FM signals I have heard (if they're unlicensed, I guess they at least are using decent equipment, near as I can tell, except for the wider-than-now-legal deviation).
3) I know the 147.130MHz repeater and am reasonably familiar with the nature of the conversations on it as well as the operating practices of those involved. Definitely does not sound like them!
Also, the steady use of the 192.8Hz CTCSS tone doesn't match Palomar's 107.2Hz tone; of course, if a weird spur is involved then the tone could be severely distorted and show up as something else on the spurious signal but, what I am receiving is very steady and there are no drop outs or obvious distortion artifacts that I can detect.
Whoever these folks are, they are very sparing in the use of the system at least on some days; I can go days not hearing them at all and then suddenly hear them clearly at the usual strong unwavering signal level (it never changes) multiple times a day for many days thereafter. This has been a dead week - heard them on Monday very briefly and haven't heard them since so far.
As far as I am concerned I think I have come to the following tentative conclusions barring new and unforeseen major developments:
1) They are very close to me, say within five miles or less - no more than 10 miles or so at a guess.
2) They are really running some kind of system consisting of one base and one mobile with the base capable of repeating the mobile's signal on its output on 158.235MHz.
3) Pretty sure the audio is deviated at 5KHz based on how it sounds - without the proper equipment, of course, I can't be sure but that's how it sounds to my ear.
4) The "base" is located at "home" for the two users based on the content of the conversations I have heard.
5) Assuming #4 and #1 above are correct, that "home" may be near enough to me for me to hear very well but, if the repeater is really located at that "home" and that "home" is a normal residence then the antenna is likely not extremely high (as it might be if it were really located on a mountain, say, like Palomar). Therefor, I don't think it likely that anyone else outside of maybe 10 to 15 miles of my immediate area (the Calaveras Hills area of northeast Carlsbad) will likely hear them very well, if at all.
Or, of course, it's all just a very persistent, detailed, and consistent form of delusion on my part; I have a lot of problems but that would seriously freak me out if it were proved to be the case (and couldn't my delusional brain come up with something more exciting than a lone couple discussing mundane personal matters on a possibly illegal radio system? I mean SHEESH!...at last add covert foreign agents and sultry femme fatales or something!)!!