Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Rangecast is suffering from KSC's network issues at the press site, they are recording but not streaming live audio anymore other than the generic NASA TV feed.
The launch team is working a problem with a range safety computer.
I've been watching this on NASA TV
From a bit south of Boston, On 9132KHz I'm hearing Freedom Star wkg ?? with weather conditions and position reports
Why don't we get the same feed as the news agency does?
I'm on NASA TV and it is 1m04s delay?
Im getting Freedom Star "Booster Recovery Ship" loud and clear here in RI with position reports.
from high atop sand mountain in northeast alabama, with my bc898t and a scantenna about 25 ft. in the air, i heard the space shuttle discovery. about 1 minute or so after liftoff i was able to recieve maybe 5 or 6 transmissions from about 3:53 central time until about 4:00 pm central time. IT WAS SO COOL!! i have listened to the iss last summer on the ham band when col. wheelock was there, but this was even more exciting . THANK YOU FOR POSTING THE FREQUENCY!!! I REALLY ENJOYED IT!
You do. Why do you think it's different?
Where are you watching it? DirectTV or DishNetwork? That's just 1-3 seconds behind the actual. Or are you streaming it? Stream delays are a function of your provider, your Internet, your PC, and the time of day.
This above is why I think I had a delay and the Media did not. OKay?