Hey all.....if you're in Park City for Sundance Filme Festival, here are a few places to go listen for Festival wide traffic from Festival or Sundance Institute Staff and parking people. I am still working on frequencies for each venue (inside the venue-- ticket takes/ushers/VIP handlers/ETC). Anyway, for your listening enjoyment: Freq, Tones, USERNAME, License
462.025 103.5 Admin wqfx648
462.05 156.7 Theatre Ops wqeg370
462.1 203.5 Venue Ops wqfx648
462.3 127.3 Chat wqfx648
462.5 91.5 Tech wqeg370
461.525 131.8 TACAMO* wqeg370
461.5 151.4 Production wqae321
452.4875 simplex 156.7 Parking^ wqeg456
*Stands for Take Charge And Move Out; This is the incidents/Emergency channel
^Same Freq is In use at each Venue
462.025 103.5 Admin wqfx648
462.05 156.7 Theatre Ops wqeg370
462.1 203.5 Venue Ops wqfx648
462.3 127.3 Chat wqfx648
462.5 91.5 Tech wqeg370
461.525 131.8 TACAMO* wqeg370
461.5 151.4 Production wqae321
452.4875 simplex 156.7 Parking^ wqeg456
*Stands for Take Charge And Move Out; This is the incidents/Emergency channel
^Same Freq is In use at each Venue
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