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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Super scanner MS119

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Oct 20, 2016
Does anyone know of anyone/business selling a Super scanner MS119?

I used to have one back in 1982, I had it mounted in a 10 foot tripod w/ a 22' piece of 1" dia galvanized water pipe with two sets of guide lines. I drilled out the pop rivet on the front leg in order to lay the tripod down to inset the mast. I had to reinforce the roof with small pieces of 2x4 under each legs foot. I put in bolts and washers through the 2x4. I used the 6 guide lines to help keep in from moving in the Wisconsin winter winds. The antenna was flawless, I wish now that I would have never sold it in '88 for $40.00 with the controller. I also sold my Cobra 142-GTL Side-Band Base Station with modified to go above ch40 with the Astatic D104 Silver Eagle Microphone for another $45.00 I could just kick my self in 2016... :-(

Snowman (My original handle from '77, I'll give you two guess where that came from and most will only need one!)


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Lots of them show up on Ebay but be prepared for a shock at the prices. They were fun in their day and the instant directional switching is nice, but they have less gain and front to back rejection as a properly designed modern 2-element Yagi.

Does anyone know of anyone/business selling a Super scanner MS119?

I used to have one back in 1982, I had it mounted in a 10 foot tripod w/ a 22' piece of 1" dia galvanized water pipe with two sets of guide lines. I drilled out the pop rivet on the front leg in order to lay the tripod down to inset the mast. I had to reinforce the roof with small pieces of 2x4 under each legs foot. I put in bolts and washers through the 2x4. I used the 6 guide lines to help keep in from moving in the Wisconsin winter winds. The antenna was flawless, I wish now that I would have never sold it in '88 for $40.00 with the controller. I also sold my Cobra 142-GTL Side-Band Base Station with modified to go above ch40 with the Astatic D104 Silver Eagle Microphone for another $45.00 I could just kick my self in 2016... :-(

Snowman (My original handle from '77, I'll give you two guess where that came from and most will only need one!)


Apr 3, 2014
Does anyone know of anyone/business selling a Super scanner MS119?

I used to have one back in 1982, I had it mounted in a 10 foot tripod w/ a 22' piece of 1" dia galvanized water pipe with two sets of guide lines. I drilled out the pop rivet on the front leg in order to lay the tripod down to inset the mast. I had to reinforce the roof with small pieces of 2x4 under each legs foot. I put in bolts and washers through the 2x4. I used the 6 guide lines to help keep in from moving in the Wisconsin winter winds. The antenna was flawless, I wish now that I would have never sold it in '88 for $40.00 with the controller. I also sold my Cobra 142-GTL Side-Band Base Station with modified to go above ch40 with the Astatic D104 Silver Eagle Microphone for another $45.00 I could just kick my self in 2016... :-(

Snowman (My original handle from '77, I'll give you two guess where that came from and most will only need one!)
Great antenna! I had one back in the day. Talk about remorse! I know someone who sold their Cobra 2000 about 10 years ago for $65!


Dec 13, 2007
Mojave Ca
Hello Neo61: Yeah that's a old out of production antenna.

Even if you did find one you would want to change out the 40+ year old Relays and coaxes. So keep that in mind when looking at e-bay and such.

The Scanner and Super Scanner Antennas had a bad rap as to performance, because it would be installed wrong, as the metal guy wires would be used and connected to the base of the relay/switch box ( which of course had the metal guy wires just inches from the elements ) causing the antenna to NOT be tuned for the CB Band. Nylon guy lines fixed that.

The Scanner Antennas was great at telling were a signal was coming from. I always thought that a 4 element scanner type antenna with modern type switching and phasing would be a neat project to play with. But may need a tower to hold it as with many beam antennas.

My Dad bought one and we put it up and it worked great, back in the late 1960's. That was when the SSB Mode was getting popular on CH16 which was 27.155, and the big boys could slide down to 27.150, or 27.145, or even 24.140 Mc. And Ham Equipment was starting to be used.

Listening in on CH16 LSB, on my Johnson 350, 2 channel SSB only radio, I could hear Australian Stations coming in, thinking they were from England, but the scanner antenna gave the stronger signal from the South West direction ( I was in So Cal ), Dad said those guys are coming from Australia not England. I was amazed. Good luck.

Jay in the Great Mojave Desert


Premium Subscriber
Jan 27, 2005
Central Missouri
If they are installed correctly they would perform as well as any 3 element yagi. I had 3 of them and let them all go the last time I moved and really regret it now. Many will argue with me about performance but all I know is mine worked very well! So well I got rid of a 5 element yagi on a tower and Moonraker 4 simply because it was trouble free.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Its only a two element antenna when in directional mode, two elements are the reflector and one is the driven element.

If they are installed correctly they would perform as well as any 3 element yagi. I had 3 of them and let them all go the last time I moved and really regret it now. Many will argue with me about performance but all I know is mine worked very well! So well I got rid of a 5 element yagi on a tower and Moonraker 4 simply because it was trouble free.
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