The part that does that is not reliable for many of us and did not come with a warranty
If you are someone who never ever EVER forgets to "turn off the radio", then good for you. I am not one of those people, and someone on the Internet admonishing me that I SHOULD remember won't make that happen.
I have a Lind timer in my truck. It's great. I normally park and shut off the truck then reach down and turn off the radio and scanner. There have only been one or two times in the past year that I started the truck and the scanner came on (Ooops! Forgot to shut it off!) but I like having the security that if I do forget and leave them on I won't come back to a dead battery the next time I want to drive the truck, which might not be for several days. Yes, I understand that a scanner or ham radio that is just receiving doesn't draw much current. But "not much" is not "zero".
"You should be able to put in a relay since you're a ham" has also been mentioned. But I *want* the scanner/radio to stay on when I shut the truck off, whether it's for 10 seconds so I can shut down the scanner so it writes to the SD card, for five minutes while I pump gas or run into the store, or for 15 or 20 minutes when I'm sitting waiting for someone. A relay won't do that since it will open immediately when the engine is shut off.
I think the Lind timer is a great option and I highly recommend it. If you feel a different solution is better, then by all means use it instead.
I swear there are times when I feel like I fell asleep reading RR and woke up on QRZ ....