Still pegging - it's standard for there to be 1000+ listeners in the evenings. Does anyone know what's going on? It has totally replaced Chicago as a daily (or at least nightly) top feed.
I live about 15 minutes away from several housing projects that are managed SUPPOSEDLY (sarcasm intended) by CMHA and there’s definitely a lot of activity taking place on a regular basis. The real action (more often than not) occurs in the five districts that make up The Division of Police for the City of Cleveland, where the Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority has a sizable footprint. All five districts have their share of violent crime but the 4th and 5th districts are separate entities all together. This past weekend, 18 individuals were shot just at one venue alone, one of whom was pronounce DOA at the scene. Somehow, the other 17 managed to survive, which was a minor miracle in itself! They were all members of four or five different motorcycle gangs and that made it toxic right out of the gate. Cleveland is a rustbelt city that at one time had a huge manufacturing base and a sizable number of jobs to go along with it. In the early 70’s, the local economy began a steady decline as manufacturing began to move offshore and for the most part, it’s never recovered. We have world class medical institutions and some terrific cultural draws, (i.e. The Cleveland Orchestra and The Cleveland Museum of Art over by University Circle) as well as a small handful of revitalized neighborhoods but for the most part, the city is nothing more than a shell of it’s former self. A lousy local economy along with the usual issues that afflict most inner city neighborhoods make for a very dangerous combination and one that cannot be addressed through legislation and or taxpayer dollars but rather from within those very neighborhoods. That’s what makes this area a real hotbed for scanner activity pretty much around the clock and with the warmer temps and more people spending time outside will keep you glued to your scanner and provide you with substantially more action than anything Hollyweird could ever produce. However, If you plan on listening to the audio feed online, you’ll be at a disadvantage because they no longer provide dedicated feeds for each of the five districts. Your only options are to listen to the general feed for CPD, which stops momentarily and resumes scanning so if something major goes down, you’ll only hear the action very briefly before it moves onto one of the other four districts. There’s also a west side feed that covers only the first and second districts but that’s basically it. But if you happen to be within range of GCRCN, what you’ll hear that relates to the City of Cleveland will absolutely blow your mind!