Tac 1 For PD

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Paragould/Greene County AR
My PD Here uses 151.040 for their primary dispatch channel, This is the only one I've ever heard them use until tonight. They were at the local cross town football game and the lights go out, They start having all kinds of problems so dispatch advised them to go to TAC 1, Well I was close at the time so I just hit the Signal Stalker Button which turned up nothing...As I started getting farther away I switched to search but I assumed it was VHF 150-170 MHZ channel because with their primary being 151.040 I assumed their portables were only capable of one band but I've turned up nothing at this point, It's been almost an hour. I just had a thought that it could be the same frequency with a different PL so I'm searching for that now but still turning up nothing, Anyone have any ideas? Could it be another frequency in another band on the same portable radio? Any ideas anyone?


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
A couple of possibilities- Same freq but simplex using CSQ as to not go to the repeater... Another freq that you missed.. HT's that can multiband are very expensive, and as far as I know.. Brand new.... Also could be any licensed for the town VHF.... And could be an low power.... For local ops only.... Remember, they can use ANY frequency licensed for the town, say... DPW if the DPW isn't busy... or just one you have not found yet... Especially as there is an LTR that the city uses for services???
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Paragould/Greene County AR
Well I never thought about the dpw channel which could be, However the trunking system that the city owns is on UHF, the main band conventional channel they use is VHF, That's got that multi band sting in there again, There's also AWIN, I thought of that too, Also I thought simplex, I did a search of every band I could think of with no luck, Especially the VHF band, However There must be more than one because he told them to do a radio check to make sure pd had the right one, They were about 5 miles from the PD on portables and PD monitored their traffic at 20 feet in the air, So I thought me being 60 and about 4 miles away I'd sure hear them but I didn't find them anywhere, A different pl or anything, I have a friend who is on the local pd here, I emailed and asked him if he could give it to me, If he doesn't I'll be back to square 1, If he does, problem solved but It just had me puzzled. I thought certain it was in the VHF band with the regular conventional. I was right on top of them when they switched so even as simplex I'd thought I'd heard them. But I guess I'll just keep an eye out and see what I can do if they won't tell me. I'm not even sure what kind of radio's the city uses really. I Don't think they're multi banded though. I'd say single band VHF HI Being that the TAC 1 would have to be 150-170, Right? I searched from 140 all the way up to 170 with no luck, Then the UHF 400's, Followed by AWIN, I came up empty handed on them all. Then I started monitoring the regular channel they use as CSQ thinking it was on another PL tone but that turned up nothing either, I may just have to see what I can dig up on that. It's got to be somewhere in that band or at least on something monitorable...Strange..


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Unless they are using an unlicensed freq for tac.... like a HAM freq....or MURS..... Though thats a nono.... It happens. Once you find it, let us know wassup! This one has me curious now too lol. I will have to look up PS radios that can multiband aside from the brand new anybanders.....
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Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
I did find this one....
KCI Communications | Dual Band Portable Radios

So they do make them for PS use not just HAM.... So you may be onto something with the UHF.... I'd watch it and see what pops.... At least then we'd have the info on the freq.... Not sure if anyone makes a dual band trunker though... Will look that up and see if those are out there, and if so.. they may have an tg on the LTR..... Do you have a LTR capable trunking scanner?


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2005
Unless they are using an unlicensed freq for tac.... like a HAM freq....or MURS..... Though thats a nono.... It happens.

The Cross Co. SO / Wynne PD / Cherry Valley PD and Parkin PD use an unlicensed frequency for their car to car - 158.48250 / PL 131.8.

I used my Signal Stalker function to ferret it out one night. It's low power so ya gotta be close.

I remember reading somewhere that an unlicensed freq may be used by a PD for special TAC / simplex as long as it was below a certain watt limit (2?) and it didn't interfere with any licensed operator.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Correct on the "any freq in the band..." Except for usage of HAM, or rail etc.... Though as we know, it happens LOL. (see the now really needs closed thread on IMPD usage of HAM for PD Tac)


Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Paragould/Greene County AR
Well I will say this, If they're using the UHF trunk system then I never found it, However I did email a guy I know on the PD, All I can get outta him is it's a private PD channel. I searched the other night from 20 mhz all the way to 1200 analog and digital and I never turned up squat. As for being close, I was right on top of it when they switched, I was right there and I never heard a darn thing, I tried signal stalker and search both and never found anything, It has to be more than 2 watts or so because the PD monitored the traffic on that channel and they were about 3 miles away, I don't know that 2 watts on a handheld would go that far, But I never found anything, On AWIN or UHF Trunk or VHF anywhere. They city also owns a UHF LTR system, I don't have it in the radio to monitor but it should have found it in search. I never found a thing but I'll just listen for them to swap again and we'll see what I find, that'll be the next home game probably in a few weeks. If I turn up anything I'll let ya'll know.. OH and uh.. As for MURS channels, it's not them, I have them in the radio in the truck and it was quiet as a mouse on MURS. So that's out...But I"ll keep my ears open...


Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Paragould/Greene County AR
I did find this one....
KCI Communications | Dual Band Portable Radios

So they do make them for PS use not just HAM.... So you may be onto something with the UHF.... I'd watch it and see what pops.... At least then we'd have the info on the freq.... Not sure if anyone makes a dual band trunker though... Will look that up and see if those are out there, and if so.. they may have an tg on the LTR..... Do you have a LTR capable trunking scanner?
I've seen their radio's a time or two and if I'm not mistaken I think they're using Kenwoods or Motorolas. I don't think it's those in that link BUT it could be.
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