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DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
I dont know if everyone has seen this yet, all members here can now add TAGS to Freqs and talk groups read about it here.

If you make a mistake when tagging click on submit info link and I will fix it. You have one shot at getting it right after that only a Data Admin can fix it, I think this is a great move on the webmaster's part, as who would know better then you, what the tag should be, if your not sure what the tag should be then dont make a change to it, if your not sure ask.



DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
Please keep in mind that a tag that starts with Multi-xxx means law,fire and EMS use that tag to talk to each other all three not just two of them.


Sep 24, 2007
lowboy654 said:
Please keep in mind that a tag that starts with Multi-xxx means law,fire and EMS use that tag to talk to each other all three not just two of them.
Multi-Dispatch - For shared law enforcement and fire/EMS dispatch operations
Multi-Tac - For shared law enforcement and fire/EMS tactical and on-scene communications
Multi-Talk - For shared law enforcement and fire/EMS tactical talkaround and car-to-car operations

...is what I read. I read the / to mean "or", not "and". Looks like I did accidently tag a couple of PD TACs with Multi, so I'll submit a ticket for those.


DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
Thanks for you help in Tagging, and keep up the good work, submit a ticket and I will fix the stuff that got miss tagged, and everyone come on lets tag some stuff. the rest of the states have been going nuts tagging, I look here everyday if you make a mistake in tagging I will be more then glad to fix it.
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DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
I would like to start updating alpha Tag's in Washington State How about posting what you know here and I will update the Database here with the new alpha Tag's AKA Seattle PD "SPD" what are the abbreviations and or acronyms used? Sound of here the site is as only as good as we make it.
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DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
I would like bring this back up, lets keep tagging here until we have the whole state done if you know what a tag should be then help out by adding it, Thank Ken


DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
The webmaster here has stated that there are still 50,000 unmarked tags here in the database for all 50 states and he would like to see them all tagged, also up and coming is alpha tags he would like alpha tags to be up to date, I live up in Snohomish county so what I can receive is very limited, to the area that I live in. I know that there are folks that live all over the state that log in here so how about updating the tags for your area as this is something that you can do as a user here, and submit alpha tags for the Frequency's that are listed here, If not the webmaster will merge the info quote "Please note that I'm soon going to set every blank alpha tag definition to either the output frequency or talkgroup id" now this is great we have something to display on our new scanner screen, but would you not like what you are seeing match up to what you listing, to so please post the alpha tag's that you know they are using like Everett police dispatch go to TAC, then it would state on your scanner display EPD Tac. so come folk's we can all help make this site great. post it or submit and I will work it.

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Rock or Something
Jun 19, 2002
I really don't understand the tag thing. It should be obvious from the freq description what it's used for.

As for the alpha tags, if we don't know what the end users call the channel, and "tag" it ourselves, what if we end up doing it wrong?

now this is great we have something to display on our new scanner screen, but would you not like see the what you are seeing match up to what you listing to so please post the alpha tag's that you know they are using like Everett police dispatch go to TAC, then it would state on your scanner display EPD Tac.

Have we as a hobby become so lazy we can't program our scanners ourselves?


Sep 24, 2007
I really don't understand the tag thing. It should be obvious from the freq description what it's used for.
It should. But according to the RR blog, this is why we're doing it:

Lindsay Blanton in the Radio Reference Blog said:
One of the most important reasons why service tagging has been released is to prepare the RadioReference database for the eventual ability to respond to more natural language queries, such as "show me all fire dispatch frequencies in my area." This is an important distinction from how most reference sources are queried today and should speed the rate of innovation and delivery of services from RadioReference.com.


As for the alpha tags, if we don't know what the end users call the channel, and "tag" it ourselves, what if we end up doing it wrong?
If you mis-mark it, just subit a ticket with the correction. If you have no clue and just pick a tag at random, chances are nobody else will have a clue either and your change will go unnoticed for thousands of years.

But the point of the alpha tags is that it makes it easier for newbies to identify what they're listening to. Here's what Ken did to a system I've worked a lot on, the Muckleshoot LTR system. One of the talkgroups is labeled as "Security". Now if this comes up on your scanner, it could be any number of 'security' channeles. So Ken made the alpha tag "Muck Security", so you would know you're hearing the security dudes at the Muckleshoot and not the Key Arena.

But not every channel has a name. Earlier in the summer I had a job at a major valet lot in SeaTac. This company operated four lots. Each lot was on a different channel. Nobody called the channels anything in particular; you just grab the mic, squeeze it, and start talking. The shuttles had the occasional need to talk to people at the other lots, so they had all 4 lots programmed into their radios. The base units didn't need to talk to anyone else because they had phones. Only time the channels were ever referenced was when someone came on and said "Lot X radio check."

Hopefully some some useful information can be gleaned between all that extraneous crap I wrote.


DB Admin Member
Database Admin
Oct 29, 2005
Northwest, WA
Is there anyone here that is in Whatcom County that can help with the Tag's up there.

Thanks, Ken
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