I was wondering the same thing since I was hearing so many new call signs so I got a dispatcher to get me a complete list.
Adam Midnight Shift Patrol
Baker Day Shift Patrol
Charlie- Civil deputies but often respond to calls
David- Transportation ( mentals and incoming prisoners)
Delta DA's Investigators
Edward Evening Shift Patrol
Frank Deputies in the FTO program
Henry Domestic Violence Task Force
Ida Internal Affairs
John Jail Units (mostly only supervisors have call signs)
King Court Guards but some some speciality units are in there Including court services (newday)
Lincoln Captains
Mary traffic units
Nora reserved for TPR when using county freqs
Ocean records
Paul administrative services ie training, human resources, so forth
Queen not used
Robert Mostly reserve deputies. If using a 1 or 2 digit call sign it is a full time deputy who is over the
like R10, R4 so on a reserve is his badge number such as R513
Sam Command level staff
Tom Jail transportation ie from the jail to the courthouse
Union no longer used
Victor Vo-tech units
William not used
Xray community policing
Young not used
Zebra investigations
They told me that is only for now as they are gettin ready to change how they do it to identify the shift.