I'll jump in on this thread, if you all don't mind. I running DSD+ FL. I've been using it for a while but never with Tier III until now. I have a Tier III system. Good signal with no errors. In auto it came up TIIInonStd[Auto](MOT) Site L8-6 DCC 8 RAS. There is nothing in RR to download in regards to this system so starting from scratch. I only have the CC for now. No TG's or RID's. The channel activity window only shows ? and CC. In the .networks file I have TIIInonStd, 8, "Publix Sarasota" in the .sites file I have TIIInonStd, 8, .6, "Sarasota" in the .frequencies file I have TIIInonStd, 8, .6, 0, 452.225, 0.0, 0
what should those files really look like?
Reference for anyone trying to help you -- the Publix license:
;protocol, networkId, systemName
TIIInonStd,L8,"Publix Supermarkets"
;protocol, networkId, siteId, siteName
;protocol, networkId, SiteID, LSN, outputFreq, inputFreq, sortOrder
(really can't fill this out til you know the active freqencies AND LCNs)
TIIInonStd, L8, 6, <oddLSN>, <outputFreq>, <inputFreq>, 0
TIIInonStd, L8, 6, <oddLSN>, 452.225, 457.225, 0
Notice you still need to know the LSN.
Here are all the freqs on the license for Sarasota:
You usually at least need to discover one LSN in order to determine if its using a bandplan (typical) or if its using custom LSNs (can happen).
Why don't you just sit, parked on that 452.225 control channel, for a day or two. Watch the Channel Activity Window in DSDPlus and note EVERY LSN / Ch ID that shows in the Channel Activity window and post it.
If you want to test a possible frequency list for dsdplus.frequencies:
;protocol, networkId, SiteID, LSN, outputFreq, inputFreq, sortOrder
TIIInonStd, L8, 6, 1035, 451.475, 456.475, 0
TIIInonStd, L8, 6, 1155, 452.225, 457.225, 0
TIIInonStd, L8, 6, 2587, 461.175, 466.175, 0
TIIInonStd, L8, 6, 2683, 461.775, 466.775, 0
TIIInonStd, L8, 6, 2927, 463.300, 468.300, 0
TIIInonStd, L8, 6, 3169, 464.8125, 469.8125, 0
The LSNs I listed in dsdplus.frequencies may not be right, but try them.
And if you park on the control channel and watch the Channel Activity window when it is active, if you see one or more of 1035/1036, 1155/1156, 2587/2588, 2683/2684, 2927/2928, 3169/3170, then you know my calculations for dsdplus.frequencies is correct. If the numbers in the channel activity window are different, post them so we can tell you what you need to change.