Hello, can anyone assist me with the details regarding the TH-8600 programming details for Lakeway PD and surrounding agencies? I have uploaded the correct frequencies from RadioReference and it works on the scanner, but not this radio. It has these options. I just have no clue and don't understand why it works on a scanner but not this radio. Thanks.
Receive Frequency Transmit Frequency Offset Frequency Offset Direction Offset Reverse Operating Mode Name Show Name Tone Mode CTCSS Rx CTCSS DCS Rx DCS DCS Polarity Optional Signaling Squelch Mode Tx Power Skip Step DTMF PTT ID 5Tone PTT ID Busy Channel Lockout Talk Around Comment
154.02500 163.02500 9.00 MHz Plus Narrow (12.5 kHz) Lak PD Disp 0 T Sql 151.4 Hz 151.4 Hz 023 023 Both N DTMF CTCSS/DCS Medium 0 5 kHz Off Off Off 0 Lak PD Disp
Receive Frequency Transmit Frequency Offset Frequency Offset Direction Offset Reverse Operating Mode Name Show Name Tone Mode CTCSS Rx CTCSS DCS Rx DCS DCS Polarity Optional Signaling Squelch Mode Tx Power Skip Step DTMF PTT ID 5Tone PTT ID Busy Channel Lockout Talk Around Comment
154.02500 163.02500 9.00 MHz Plus Narrow (12.5 kHz) Lak PD Disp 0 T Sql 151.4 Hz 151.4 Hz 023 023 Both N DTMF CTCSS/DCS Medium 0 5 kHz Off Off Off 0 Lak PD Disp