Whoever cleans our roads?!
Did you just say whoever cleans...
If we had anyone cleaning the roads, we wouldn't be in this predicament to begin with. That's the whole reason the city was paralyzed because nobody did that. I am across the street from one of the DOT maintenance yards where they store the sand and salt and they didn't even salt the road their yard is on. I guess they didn't need to since they had no intention of using any.
Snow is not the problem.
We've still got ice!! As of Friday morning, there are still buses that cannot make their rounds and vehicles slipping and sliding on ice on the roads. I still have ice in front of my house.
Good luck getting 6 million people plus hundreds of thousands of out-of-staters just passing through on their way in and out of other states to change their tires for a once in every 3 years event, especially one that everyone seems to forget about after a few weeks pass by.