At Noon Indiana State Police is having a Command Meeting at the Visitors Center on Indiana side. They are active on Safe-T, and the Mutual Aid frequencies are beginning to get active.
Clarksville PD is on UHF conventional
New Albany is LTR trunking, 800 MHz
TG: 31088 Jeffersonville Police Dispatch 2 is active on Safe-T for Thunder related calls
TG: 31568 10 HEALTH OP County Heath Dept. Operations, Unit 1,2, 8 (Active)
TG: 31440 10 CNTRL TAC County Fire Central Alarm Tactical (Some activity)
TG: 31552 10 EMS OPS County EMS Operations EMS-TAC
Also 155.4300 & 154.355 VHF for Fire Dept and Ambulance dispatch
868.4250 Henryville Tower
868.9000 Floyd County Tower
These two will/are carrying the bulk of Thunder activities on Safe-T