fireant said:
The best show I ever remember had to be when they brought the SR-71 out one year anyone remember what year that was?
I pulled out my slides from those years and relying entirely on the dates on which the slides were processed:
The SR71 was here in 1988. I also found a picture of Sky 5 taken at the same air show.
The Blue Angels were apparently here in 1989 as was the Soviet AN-225 outsized transport and SU-27 fighters.
I don’t know if they do it anymore, but at this show, the C-130 that accompanied the Blue Angels, for some reason I believe that it was nicknamed “Fat Albert”, demonstrated a rocket assisted take off, which was quite impressive.
One of the other demonstations, was after they finished setting off all of their gas "bombs", a C-130 aerial wildfire tanker made a pass and put out the smoldering remains.