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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Too Soon For VP8000 Wants/Bug list?


Premium Subscriber
Mar 19, 2003
Building a list of bugs and desired functions in my evil little mind. Wondering when the time will be right to start sharing....? :)


Premium Subscriber
Mar 19, 2003
1. While receiving transmission on a “receive only “ channel if you press PTT the channel will mute and not unmute until you cycle channel selector.

2. Assigning a function to numeric keys (1-0,#,*) doesn’t work. When you press key you get invalid or a “feature” you did not program.

3. Signal bars do not display. I can menu to rssi and see db but the display option of signal bars doesn’t work.

4. From other thread: radio not compatible with all computers for programming. Software runs but usb link to radio fails.

This is all on conventional systems. Eventually I’ll load in 2 trunked systems, one simulcast and other site trunk. I may have to build the template myself since only a partial test one has been done by technical services. I’ve no experience with programming trunked systems beyond adding a few TG’s in an emergency. There will be over 800 TG’s in template (shoot me now unless I can import or paste from apx plug some of it). Excel??

Wants: Squelch setting options— presently the “Normal” setting is carrier squelch on FM (ignores PL), and ignores TG on P25 while respecting NAC. “Selective “ respects everything in FM and P25.
-The P25 part I like so far in that it’s often desirable to be TG agnostic in conventional. For FM Normal should be just that: respect normal parameters, PL being one of them. If you need carrier squelch you have the “deactivate channel guard” function which ignores all signaling. For me “Selective “ would respect all signaling including mdc, 2-tone etc. and Normal maybe ignore auxiliary signaling. I’m still thinking this through so not an actual request, just thinking out loud. I may find I can work just fine with what’s there with proper strategy on my part.

One more, very occasionally I need unmute on PL mute on loss of carrier. With field repeaters sometimes I get dropouts from what I think is loss/distortion of PL. My suspicion is repeater looses track of incoming subscribers pl and consequently quits sending pl or maybe does squelch tail eliminate — I really don’t know and they are usually not “our” repeaters. Using monitor/CSQ on my radio is not always great due to noise (lots of generators, s..t power supplies etc.)

I would like to be able to set/strap squelch mode to P25 conventional channels in particular since dealing with TG’s can cause problems (nifog or other interop). My work around is FFFF TG which seems to admit any TG as well as broadcast to any TG on tx. Seems messy but may well be my solution. There is the check box for digital squelch to unmute on any digital signal which is my fallback and may be a practical solution.

There is more but I didn’t write it down and my memory is more etch a sketch than photographic.


Apr 4, 2007
1. While receiving transmission on a “receive only “ channel if you press PTT the channel will mute and not unmute until you cycle channel selector.

2. Assigning a function to numeric keys (1-0,#,*) doesn’t work. When you press key you get invalid or a “feature” you did not program.

3. Signal bars do not display. I can menu to rssi and see db but the display option of signal bars doesn’t work.

4. From other thread: radio not compatible with all computers for programming. Software runs but usb link to radio fails.

This is all on conventional systems. Eventually I’ll load in 2 trunked systems, one simulcast and other site trunk. I may have to build the template myself since only a partial test one has been done by technical services. I’ve no experience with programming trunked systems beyond adding a few TG’s in an emergency. There will be over 800 TG’s in template (shoot me now unless I can import or paste from apx plug some of it). Excel??

Wants: Squelch setting options— presently the “Normal” setting is carrier squelch on FM (ignores PL), and ignores TG on P25 while respecting NAC. “Selective “ respects everything in FM and P25.
-The P25 part I like so far in that it’s often desirable to be TG agnostic in conventional. For FM Normal should be just that: respect normal parameters, PL being one of them. If you need carrier squelch you have the “deactivate channel guard” function which ignores all signaling. For me “Selective “ would respect all signaling including mdc, 2-tone etc. and Normal maybe ignore auxiliary signaling. I’m still thinking this through so not an actual request, just thinking out loud. I may find I can work just fine with what’s there with proper strategy on my part.

One more, very occasionally I need unmute on PL mute on loss of carrier. With field repeaters sometimes I get dropouts from what I think is loss/distortion of PL. My suspicion is repeater looses track of incoming subscribers pl and consequently quits sending pl or maybe does squelch tail eliminate — I really don’t know and they are usually not “our” repeaters. Using monitor/CSQ on my radio is not always great due to noise (lots of generators, s..t power supplies etc.)

I would like to be able to set/strap squelch mode to P25 conventional channels in particular since dealing with TG’s can cause problems (nifog or other interop). My work around is FFFF TG which seems to admit any TG as well as broadcast to any TG on tx. Seems messy but may well be my solution. There is the check box for digital squelch to unmute on any digital signal which is my fallback and may be a practical solution.

There is more but I didn’t write it down and my memory is more etch a sketch than photographic.

We're not seeing any of those issues.
There are two vintages of the older 36X cable. In one of the other threads there's a detailed explanation, but if the interface box in the middle has 0331 on it, it won't work with a VP8000. It has ferrite beads in line that slow it down enough that the 8000 won't communicate. There are mods, but they aren't very easy unless you've got some serious surface mount desoldering gear. It's too much work here, and not worth the time.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 19, 2003
KPG-36X. 03550

I have weather channels in as receive only. While listening to active channel if I press PTT the radio mutes and remains mute until I change channels. CSQ obviously. All conventional systems so far. So you have signal strength bar’s showing on conventional channels as well as able to set numerical buttons to perform functions such as scan..squelch…TA and so on?
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Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
EL98 Florida
Mark, can you email your codeplug to me so EFJI can look at it?


Were you able to get a copy of their programming so we could verify issue #2?

The defect I entered for the Rx only PTT is going to be addressed in our next release, 23.1 slated for later this summer.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
EL98 Florida
I am going to cross post the following comment I get from EFJI personally.
(VP8000 and Armada and this one)

EFJI states "Windows 7 is no longer a supported operating system."
If you are using windows 7 and Armada, there is a procedure to work with at USER RISK.
If you call Tech Support at EFJI, they will discuss this with the end user.

This, by way of the Tech Support Management.
I'm told not to publish the article, so i have to abide by the request.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 19, 2003
Issue: key volume has poor adjustment. 0 setting is loud so I set -1 and hear nothing until radio volume is pretty high. -2 pretty much silences tone. I’m looking for a tone consistently a set percent lower than radio volume. Not a big deal. Constant tone level not tied to radio volume doesn’t work for me as I’m often fiddling with my radio in places where tone noise would be unwelcome.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 19, 2003
My channel encoder knob stopped Working: turning knob had no effect on channel. Could still change channels with buttons. Changing zones did not rectify problem. Power cycled and back to normal. So far only happened once. Suspicion…maybe using knob and also buttons for channel selection. Some zones have more than 16 channels.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
EL98 Florida
My channel encoder knob stopped Working: turning knob had no effect on channel. Could still change channels with buttons. Changing zones did not rectify problem. Power cycled and back to normal. So far only happened once. Suspicion…maybe using knob and also buttons for channel selection. Some zones have more than 16 channels.
Mark, can you duplicate this or was it just a single time that happened?


Premium Subscriber
Mar 19, 2003
Ok I’ve had another freeze up of channel encoder. I changed zones but encoder stayed frozen. Had to power cycle to restore. I’m not sure what precipitated it. I had been quickly changing and keying up channels (looking for in range tac repeater) and wondering if perhaps I had keyed up before channel completed changing (there is a lag between encoder clicking on next channel and the channel actually coming available).


Premium Subscriber
Mar 19, 2003
Just installed DMR and on my usual bug hunt.

1---If I have DISPLAY set to show "Zone" and "Channel" and I land on a DMR channel, the display freezes on the last non-DMR zone/channel location. As soon as I move to any non-DMR channel the display resumes tracking. It is if DMR channels are not linked to Zone/Channel display function of the radio.

2--There is no ROAM capability in DMR. We have a statewide full time linked multicast Call Channel (amateur) and I find it very useful to ROAM the region I'm in. Much more useful in a mobile as I travel than in a portable which I break out when I arrive.

3--As mentioned before text would be nice (DMR Standard protocol).

4--There is no FPP in DMR. To be fair in all the radios I've used that do allow FPP in DMR (and somewhat in P25) you can adjust some of the channel properties but not useful for creating a "New" channel even if you have a blank placeholder channel to modify.

I didn't notice the problem of Wideband being disabled on the radio as one poster did.
For 1st iteration of DMR in a new radio I'm satisfied so far at my very very early stage of testing. I'm glad I'm not doing the coding!


Radio/computer geek
Premium Subscriber
Dec 10, 2015
2--There is no ROAM capability in DMR. We have a statewide full time linked multicast Call Channel (amateur) and I find it very useful to ROAM the region I'm in. Much more useful in a mobile as I travel than in a portable which I break out when I arrive.
We talked to EFJ about this and they say it's on the wishlist, but no time commitment. Anyone else who wants this should make it known to them so it gets some priority. Kind of surprised it didn't make it into the first release, as it's been in the JVCK products for some time.

I didn't notice the problem of Wideband being disabled on the radio as one poster did.
For 1st iteration of DMR in a new radio I'm satisfied so far at my very very early stage of testing. I'm glad I'm not doing the coding!
Our demo package had that "option" to begin with. I verified (I think) that it still does wideband where it needs to (i.e. ham, 800, etc.).


Premium Subscriber
Mar 19, 2003
Another wish: DTMF autodial in analog, 16 digit minimum. I have it in my NX5k so no idea why not in VP8000.

Update on channel encoder freezing--it seems if I change channels and hit the PTT before the channel has fully (electronically) landed (there is a delay after selecting a new channel and it actually landing) it can freeze the encoder requiring a power cycle to restore. If someone didn't realize it had happened it could be a safety issue.

So to date and not prioritized:
1. No Roam
2. DMR doesn't work with "Channel Display" so you cannot read correct zone and channel on display screen. All non-DMR channels seem to work fine.
3. Channel knob/encoder can freeze (electronically) requiring power cycling to restore. Related to PTT before channel lands properly.
4. Key press tone volume: If you select -1 or less, you will hear no tone until radio volume is at 50% or more. At 0 it is too loud everywhere. It should track with radio audio level (including below 50%).
5. DTMF auto dial (with lists) for analog. It's there for P25--not sure about DMR.
6. My previous issues with squelch settings have been resolved by my gaining a better understanding of how they actually work so, operator error....
7. DMR texting. DMR standard format or whatever the cross brand mode would be.
8. Lack of radio to radio GPS, ideally compatible with Motorola (it gives me distance and bearing-very SAR friendly). No server or other infrastructure needed.
9. DMR dual slot direct mode. Only because others utilize it as I don't think it is a good idea for simplex except maybe Talk-Around situation. Edit: For same frequency repeat I do utilize this feature. Most inband same frequency repeater schemes are somewhat brand specific but on the subscriber side I program the frequency twice, once for each time slot and then scan the 2 channels. Works fine and allows for direct if in direct range. Haven't used in a real situation yet but my early testing has been promising.

If I knew how difficult to fix these issue are and how much strain on radio resources (memory and processor) It would affect my prioritization of the list for sure. Encoder freezing is a bug that should be fixed. The displaying of DMR Zone/Channel is also a bug but far less dangerous. My short want list would be DMR Roam and GPS...maybe DMR texting but I have not found cross brand texting to be reliable or predictable anyway.
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P25 Underground
Sep 27, 2019
Gadsden Purchase
I'll second DTMF autodial on analog. I have a workaround for remote control of DTMF equipment but a menu-driven native function would be better.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
EL98 Florida
I have a dialog with EFJ on the autodial, and the ABCD dtmf.

The functionality you are wanting (selectable DTMF) is not currently in the Viking radios. we have an existing feature enhancement to have this added.
The list you have selected is the phone list, which only applies to interconnect calls, and will not be used in the use case described.

T_SUPPORT: I do not have a timeline on when the feature will be implemented, only that it has been brought up in the past.

With DMR just being added to the VP8K, site roaming and the other stuff you mention Mark are going to be work in progress.

DMR Display, can you provide a photo please, or email it to me?

DSDM, again, this just rolled out, may be forthcoming.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 19, 2003
I have a dialog with EFJ on the autodial, and the ABCD dtmf.

The functionality you are wanting (selectable DTMF) is not currently in the Viking radios. we have an existing feature enhancement to have this added.
The list you have selected is the phone list, which only applies to interconnect calls, and will not be used in the use case described.
Does this mean I can order DTMF auto dial (speed dial) for analog? I mean if it is an existing feature enhancement.
So, radio to radio GPS is not on the horizon but texting is and roaming maybe.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 28, 2022
I inquired with them a bit ago about signaling before and after not just one or the other since it is already a feature on the NX-5000 line. I don't know if it's on the roadmap yet.