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Tram 703-HC magnet mount is surprisingly decent

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Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
My brother is a recovering addict who, before his addiction, was a jack of all trades. He can work on anything, whether it's electronic or mechanical.

I dropped him off a box with a Midland mobile CB, a regulated power supply, external speaker and a dipole because I wanted to get him back into radio to give him yet another positive outlet.

He asked if I had a magnet Mount so that he could put a CB in his 2010 Murano. So I thought sure, I'll get him something cheap.

Having been blown away by the Tram 300 and 3500 magnet mount antennas, I was going to just get him a 300 on Prime. Well, the 300's on there arent currently Prime eligible, but the Tram 703 HC is. Plus, its 21 bucks shipped and was next-day eligible.

It's nothing special. It's small, and cheap. But I figured if I could get it tuned to a good SWR, it would be usable.

I pulled the Hustler 100-IC-S off my wife's Pilot and put the Tram on. Having fought to get the Hustler tuned on the lower part of the band, I expected issues.

Right out of the box I had a 1.2 on Channel 1 and a 1.3 on channel 40.

Wow, that's good enough not to mess with.

So then came the range testing. I drove to get my stepson from his work, four miles away, and my wife sat at my Cobra 135 XLR with a Sirio 27 5/8 ground plane.

Every step of the four miles, she said I was static free and loud.

I am going to do more range testing tomorrow, but for 21 bucks, I'm more than pleasantly surprised thus far. I think I'm going to buy one or two to have around as spares, or for friends who I get into CB to take and use.


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Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
Hi @FPR1981, does this antenna warrant mention in my thread? I'll be posting a table soon. 73, Dave K4EET

Well, for 22 dollars you get a fairly compact antenna with a great out-of-the-box SWR and 17 feet of coax. It's easy to assemble also.

It definitely deserves a mention for bargain. I'd have to test one for longevity, but so far I am impressed.

The Hustler I have that I wrote about was 10 dollars more, is Hustlers answer to the Lil Will and this antenna was ready to use without a single whip adjustment, whereas the Hustler on the same vehicle has a much higher SWR on the start of the band, and I've adjusted it up as high as I can get it, and even added washers.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2015
Severn, Maryland, USA
Well, for 22 dollars you get a fairly compact antenna with a great out-of-the-box SWR and 17 feet of coax. It's easy to assemble also.

It definitely deserves a mention for bargain. I'd have to test one for longevity, but so far I am impressed. <snip>
If you would, go ahead and add a post mentioning it in the thread since you are the one with first-hand experience. Then I will be able to add it into my summary table of CB antennas for everyone's benefit. Thanks! Dave


Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
TRAM (a once worthy name) isn’t any longer known for quality or performance.

Ears precede Voice.
Antenna precedes Radio.

A 5’ Skipshooter on a reasonably-placed mount ($30 antenna) is a FAR better baseline for what a mobile radio rig can do at low entry cost.

The very best radio + installation can make effective use of that 5’ antenna atop a mobile.

Things are out-of-order touting a cheap antenna compromised by size and quality.

A Wilson LITTLE WIL is a better “cheap” choice as to size & price. The 500 Wilson ought to be entry-level as an all-in-one mag mount.

SWR ain’t much more than a beginning (equals “safe to transmit”). Not indicative of performance relating to TX & RX strengths. It’s in there with ensuring amps/volts are sufficient.

Good luck to you & your relative. Sideband is the carrot I’d dangle. Mobile Install is the reading I’d recommend if the interest takes hold as Sideband is a real test of man & gear.

The jump from CB Radio as most (wrongly) understand it to perform, to Eleven Meter Radio — where Amateur Radio concerns dwell — is the door to leave open.

Thus, “Wrong Antenna” sends the wrong message, IMO. Little faith extended.



Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
The Tram 300 performs as well as the Little Wil, in my experience. Eric at Fairpoint Farms had one on his car for 7 years and replaced it only to upgrade to the 3500 (Wilson 1000 clone).

I have both the 300 and the 3500 and both perform exceptionally well. My 300 is on my kiddos Blazer and they sit in their grandma's driveway over 5 miles away with my Realistic handheld hooked to it and talk to my base station in town. Grandma's road is a deep valley, too.

Whilst I agree that Browning/Tram isn't what it once was, the Wilson clones they put out ARE quality antennas with just as many favorable reviews as their Wilson counterparts.

The cheapie 703 HC is just that - a cheapie. I don't endorse it for the long haul, but out of the box it talks extremely well for 22 bucks. I don't compare it to the other Trams, or Wilsons, or Strykers, but as a cheapie, it works well.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
Eric from Fairpoint Farms reviews the Tram 300.

For those interested. I may go back to the 300, from the 3500. I think my 300 on the roof my Honda, performed just as well as my Tram 3500 on the trunk lid. If I put the Tram 3500 on the roof, it sticks out like a sore thumb. The 300 would look better there.
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