• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

New to forum


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Does your 2500 have a map pocket to the right of your seat? That's where I use the belt clip on my Gmrs HT. I think with some hooks, the radio would set next to my right knee.

My radio on underside of roof.

Like this

Not recommended without crash helmet, right?



Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Edited my last

Yeah. I hate latest cars for vid screen crap.

My all-time favorite: 2012 KW T660.

Radio was straight above windshield over shifter.




13-speed, 3.55 gears and a 15L 500HP/1850TQ Detroit Diesel.

Last edited:


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
I've been perusing the forum for a couple of weeks now. I'm not entirely new to CB, it's been about 12 years or so when I was a part time truck driver. It's been the early 80's since I had CB in my personal vehicle. I've been using GMRS for about a year while keeping and traveling with family members. I'm now considering getting a mobile unit for my '21 Ram 1500. I've been looking at the Radioddity cs-47 and the QT60. I've always been intrigued by SSB and may consider a tech ham license at some point. I'm retired and always looking for another hobby. As far as the radio, I'm thinking buy once, cry once kinda thinking 🤔. The antenna will be a NMO magnetic mount and there lies my delema. Which one? Thanks
GREAT TIME to get into CB... the radio's and antennas are far better than the old stuff.
I have loved the look of the CS-47 and what it can do... for a long time I wanted one...... I finally bought one... not worth it... no longer a fan of it once I played with it... everyone I talk to on it tells me I sound distant... but what do you expect from a $90 dollar radio.... if room was a major issue maybe,,,,
but luckily the QT60 is a one of the best! ... now the QT 60 and the Anytone 5555 N II are the exact same radio..... the 5555 N II was always about $260 at Amazon...it's a BIG ham radio that can do CB .... well they came out with a newer version in July that is 2 inches shorter... we will call it the short version.... so now all the places that have the older long versions are selling them much cheaper to get rid of them.... you can get one of these fantastic radio's for $184 and that is a STEAL!!!!! the new shorter versions are around $250.00.... you will get AM /FM and SSB and ham radio...... the radio power output can be adjusted by turning a knob from 2 watts to 60 watts!!!! ... your retired now so get the ham license and you can start using and enjoying the ham radio part of it.

but everyone in the CB world is now getting that Anytone 5555 N II and everyone is in love with it.. you will not be sorry you got it!!!!
the AnyTone 5555 N II long version for $184 click here

if room is a problem you can get the top dog CB right now, the QT 80 it's smaller and has all the newest stuff!

as for the Antenna a NMO as you mentioned is not normally a magnet mount... it's a different screw on antenna that screws onto a mount you typically drill a hole to install.... they do sell a magnetic mount for it that you can buy for a NMO type antenna and screw it on....

but you mentioned the Tram 3500 or the Stryker AR -10.... I personally love my Tram 3500 and some people have great luck with them... it's very cheap.. and if you hate it, you could always swap it out if you stay in the hobby and want to upgrade later..... the Stryker is supposed to be better... but I find it a little ugly and the Stryker has blue lights that light up when you talk..... little gimmicky I have one and will range test it someday... but I think the Tram 3500 looks a little nicer....

SlowMover is one very smart CB guy and knows his mobile installs!!!... he say's the Sirio 5000 performer is a fantastic antenna and one of the best.... and if he say's it than I totally believe it is!... it's very tall 79inches... but I think Sirio is one of the best antenna companies out there.
Sirio 5000 Performer at Amazon

there is a lot more to the install.. and you can read a lot of the posts here about installs...... pick-up trucks are difficult... I would try the Tram 3500.. or if you like the looks of the Stryker AR-10 get that one as it is supposed to be almost a perfect SWR out of the box ( at least for a lot of people) and see how it works... if it doesn't work really good... you will have to do some RF bonding... some people say it will do NOTHING and some people say it makes all the difference in the world...... you let us know... hopefully you can just mount it and everything will work...
you need to run the power wire from the battery to the radio... I would put in a relay so if you shut off the key the radio is also off..... I would get a time delayed relay... if you're not handy putting that in I had Best Buy put one in my truck and they did a lot of work... took the dash out!!!! but they did it CHEAP.... as for the CB negative, ground it as close to the radio as possible! and I made a big ground right into the floor with a big bolt
here is the Tram 3500 you can order at Walmart . com and go and pick it up at your local Walmart.
Tram 3500 $68.00 at Walmart
this is a little of my truck install with all the bonding.... my CB install

let us know what you do and how it works


Aug 21, 2024
Sierra Vista, Arizona
GREAT TIME to get into CB... the radio's and antennas are far better than the old stuff.
I have loved the look of the CS-47 and what it can do... for a long time I wanted one...... I finally bought one... not worth it... no longer a fan of it once I played with it... everyone I talk to on it tells me I sound distant... but what do you expect from a $90 dollar radio.... if room was a major issue maybe,,,,
but luckily the QT60 is a one of the best! ... now the QT 60 and the Anytone 5555 N II are the exact same radio..... the 5555 N II was always about $260 at Amazon...it's a BIG ham radio that can do CB .... well they came out with a newer version in July that is 2 inches shorter... we will call it the short version.... so now all the places that have the older long versions are selling them much cheaper to get rid of them.... you can get one of these fantastic radio's for $184 and that is a STEAL!!!!! the new shorter versions are around $250.00.... you will get AM /FM and SSB and ham radio...... the radio power output can be adjusted by turning a knob from 2 watts to 60 watts!!!! ... your retired now so get the ham license and you can start using and enjoying the ham radio part of it.

but everyone in the CB world is now getting that Anytone 5555 N II and everyone is in love with it.. you will not be sorry you got it!!!!
the AnyTone 5555 N II long version for $184 click here

if room is a problem you can get the top dog CB right now, the QT 80 it's smaller and has all the newest stuff!

as for the Antenna a NMO as you mentioned is not normally a magnet mount... it's a different screw on antenna that screws onto a mount you typically drill a hole to install.... they do sell a magnetic mount for it that you can buy for a NMO type antenna and screw it on....

but you mentioned the Tram 3500 or the Stryker AR -10.... I personally love my Tram 3500 and some people have great luck with them... it's very cheap.. and if you hate it, you could always swap it out if you stay in the hobby and want to upgrade later..... the Stryker is supposed to be better... but I find it a little ugly and the Stryker has blue lights that light up when you talk..... little gimmicky I have one and will range test it someday... but I think the Tram 3500 looks a little nicer....

SlowMover is one very smart CB guy and knows his mobile installs!!!... he say's the Sirio 5000 performer is a fantastic antenna and one of the best.... and if he say's it than I totally believe it is!... it's very tall 79inches... but I think Sirio is one of the best antenna companies out there.
Sirio 5000 Performer at Amazon

there is a lot more to the install.. and you can read a lot of the posts here about installs...... pick-up trucks are difficult... I would try the Tram 3500.. or if you like the looks of the Stryker AR-10 get that one as it is supposed to be almost a perfect SWR out of the box ( at least for a lot of people) and see how it works... if it doesn't work really good... you will have to do some RF bonding... some people say it will do NOTHING and some people say it makes all the difference in the world...... you let us know... hopefully you can just mount it and everything will work...
you need to run the power wire from the battery to the radio... I would put in a relay so if you shut off the key the radio is also off..... I would get a time delayed relay... if you're not handy putting that in I had Best Buy put one in my truck and they did a lot of work... took the dash out!!!! but they did it CHEAP.... as for the CB negative, ground it as close to the radio as possible! and I made a big ground right into the floor with a big bolt
here is the Tram 3500 you can order at Walmart . com and go and pick it up at your local Walmart.
Tram 3500 $68.00 at Walmart
this is a little of my truck install with all the bonding.... my CB install

let us know what you do and how it works
Thanks. I was chatting quite a bit with @slowmover in the above posts. He gave me a lot of ideas. I will be watching the black Friday sales this year for sure. I've read your posts about the Tram and it will be seriously considered. Like you mentioned, it's worth giving it a shot for the money.


Aug 21, 2024
Sierra Vista, Arizona
GREAT TIME to get into CB... the radio's and antennas are far better than the old stuff.
I have loved the look of the CS-47 and what it can do... for a long time I wanted one...... I finally bought one... not worth it... no longer a fan of it once I played with it... everyone I talk to on it tells me I sound distant... but what do you expect from a $90 dollar radio.... if room was a major issue maybe,,,,
but luckily the QT60 is a one of the best! ... now the QT 60 and the Anytone 5555 N II are the exact same radio..... the 5555 N II was always about $260 at Amazon...it's a BIG ham radio that can do CB .... well they came out with a newer version in July that is 2 inches shorter... we will call it the short version.... so now all the places that have the older long versions are selling them much cheaper to get rid of them.... you can get one of these fantastic radio's for $184 and that is a STEAL!!!!! the new shorter versions are around $250.00.... you will get AM /FM and SSB and ham radio...... the radio power output can be adjusted by turning a knob from 2 watts to 60 watts!!!! ... your retired now so get the ham license and you can start using and enjoying the ham radio part of it.

but everyone in the CB world is now getting that Anytone 5555 N II and everyone is in love with it.. you will not be sorry you got it!!!!
the AnyTone 5555 N II long version for $184 click here

if room is a problem you can get the top dog CB right now, the QT 80 it's smaller and has all the newest stuff!

as for the Antenna a NMO as you mentioned is not normally a magnet mount... it's a different screw on antenna that screws onto a mount you typically drill a hole to install.... they do sell a magnetic mount for it that you can buy for a NMO type antenna and screw it on....

but you mentioned the Tram 3500 or the Stryker AR -10.... I personally love my Tram 3500 and some people have great luck with them... it's very cheap.. and if you hate it, you could always swap it out if you stay in the hobby and want to upgrade later..... the Stryker is supposed to be better... but I find it a little ugly and the Stryker has blue lights that light up when you talk..... little gimmicky I have one and will range test it someday... but I think the Tram 3500 looks a little nicer....

SlowMover is one very smart CB guy and knows his mobile installs!!!... he say's the Sirio 5000 performer is a fantastic antenna and one of the best.... and if he say's it than I totally believe it is!... it's very tall 79inches... but I think Sirio is one of the best antenna companies out there.
Sirio 5000 Performer at Amazon

there is a lot more to the install.. and you can read a lot of the posts here about installs...... pick-up trucks are difficult... I would try the Tram 3500.. or if you like the looks of the Stryker AR-10 get that one as it is supposed to be almost a perfect SWR out of the box ( at least for a lot of people) and see how it works... if it doesn't work really good... you will have to do some RF bonding... some people say it will do NOTHING and some people say it makes all the difference in the world...... you let us know... hopefully you can just mount it and everything will work...
you need to run the power wire from the battery to the radio... I would put in a relay so if you shut off the key the radio is also off..... I would get a time delayed relay... if you're not handy putting that in I had Best Buy put one in my truck and they did a lot of work... took the dash out!!!! but they did it CHEAP.... as for the CB negative, ground it as close to the radio as possible! and I made a big ground right into the floor with a big bolt
here is the Tram 3500 you can order at Walmart . com and go and pick it up at your local Walmart.
Tram 3500 $68.00 at Walmart
this is a little of my truck install with all the bonding.... my CB install

let us know what you do and how it works
I've never bought anything from that site. I was checking out the 5555 and they have the 6666 for $186 ? Pretty interesting 🤔


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
My big truck aside: waaay out there in the empty spaces one of the likeliest radio rigs to be heard will be those owner-operators who value long-distance comms. Have figured for themselves a niche truck speciality. Knows the roads and the gambling odds on weather, etc, affecting travel.




Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
I've never bought anything from that site. I was checking out the 5555 and they have the 6666 for $186 ? Pretty interesting 🤔
Many people have bought from AliExpress.... It's like China's Amazon. Shipping is a few weeks or more but great deals.... DO NOT BUY THE 6666 I REPEAT DO NOT BUY THE 6666
The original Anytone 6666 was the greatest radio out there... Then a couple years after it was out....they came out with Noise Reduction technology that changed radios forever.... With that new technology ... You can hear stations very far off or low powered stations that normally would be covered in static ... It gets rid of most of the hiss and background noise.... any radio without it shouldn't even be considered... It is as SlowMover describes it ... A Total Game Changer!!!
AnyTone just added it to their new 6666 PRO that costs $295.00....... people are selling their old 6666 to buy the new ones.... No one wants the old ones .. don't get it .. you will soon see them at yard sales for pennies


Aug 21, 2024
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Many people have bought from AliExpress.... It's like China's Amazon. Shipping is a few weeks or more but great deals.... DO NOT BUY THE 6666 I REPEAT DO NOT BUY THE 6666
The original Anytone 6666 was the greatest radio out there... Then a couple years after it was out....they came out with Noise Reduction technology that changed radios forever.... With that new technology ... You can hear stations very far off or low powered stations that normally would be covered in static ... It gets rid of most of the hiss and background noise.... any radio without it shouldn't even be considered... It is as SlowMover describes it ... A Total Game Changer!!!
AnyTone just added it to their new 6666 PRO that costs $295.00....... people are selling their old 6666 to buy the new ones.... No one wants the old ones .. don't get it .. you will soon see them at yard sales for pennies
Ok, thanks. Last night I saw QT60'S for $186. Did all qt radios have NRC?


Aug 21, 2024
Sierra Vista, Arizona
My big truck aside: waaay out there in the empty spaces one of the likeliest radio rigs to be heard will be those owner-operators who value long-distance comms. Have figured for themselves a niche truck speciality. Knows the roads and the gambling odds on weather, etc, affecting travel.

View attachment 168034

I hauled a load of potatoes from Southern Colorado to San Francisco many years ago. That hwy 50 is one lonely hwy.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
Ok, thanks. Last night I saw QT60'S for $186. Did all qt radios have NRC?
yes the QT 60 and the 5555 N II are the same radio everything is exactly the same. ...many people will push the older 6666 and they were once the top of the line radio and still a GREAT radio.... but the QT 60 and the 5555 N II are much better.... ... people still remember when they bought the 6666 and it was the king of the radios.... and they still think it's the best.... because they don't know how badly it has fallen behind on all the new technology
......the QT 60 and the 5555 N II you can adjust the frequency in increments of .5 the old 6666 you could only adjust in increments of 1.0... the old 6666 didn't have weather bands.... it only has one display at a time, whereas the QT 60 and the 5555 N II show THREE the SWR... power output and signal strength all the time.. so just one glance and you see everything... the display is much bigger and better and the dials are easier to use... also the old 6666 the channel knob will break after a couple years... I hear it all the time that the channel knob is broken... I think it will happen to the QT 60 and the 5555 N II eventually too but I have yet to hear anyone say it has broken so far....
the NR ( noise reduction ) is HUGE... if I'm talking to the UK or Scotland or South Africa.. on Side Band I turn off my Noise reduction and all I can here is the background noise and static.... with the NR I can make out people and talk to them!... without it you just hear noise.... and the guys with the 6666 never realize this ... they just didn't know people were on there as they only hear noise.
also.... we'll say someone is 12 miles aways with a 4 watt radio and a junky antenna... the background noise may be louder than what they transmit.... but with the Noise Reduction technology it will eliminate a lot of that noise and you will be able to hear them! and because you have 60 watts on tap if you need it, they will easily hear you.... so you will be able to talk to them... if you had the 6666 you would not be able to.
by the way believe it or not the CS-47 has the Noise Reduction Technology ( NR) ... but the difference in price of the QT 60 and the 5555 N II or the CS-47 is less than a $100 bucks.... so just get a fantastic Ham radio with CB capabilities and leave the CS-47 for play


Aug 21, 2024
Sierra Vista, Arizona
yes the QT 60 and the 5555 N II are the same radio everything is exactly the same. ...many people will push the older 6666 and they were once the top of the line radio and still a GREAT radio.... but the QT 60 and the 5555 N II are much better.... ... people still remember when they bought the 6666 and it was the king of the radios.... and they still think it's the best.... because they don't know how badly it has fallen behind on all the new technology
......the QT 60 and the 5555 N II you can adjust the frequency in increments of .5 the old 6666 you could only adjust in increments of 1.0... the old 6666 didn't have weather bands.... it only has one display at a time, whereas the QT 60 and the 5555 N II show THREE the SWR... power output and signal strength all the time.. so just one glance and you see everything... the display is much bigger and better and the dials are easier to use... also the old 6666 the channel knob will break after a couple years... I hear it all the time that the channel knob is broken... I think it will happen to the QT 60 and the 5555 N II eventually too but I have yet to hear anyone say it has broken so far....
the NR ( noise reduction ) is HUGE... if I'm talking to the UK or Scotland or South Africa.. on Side Band I turn off my Noise reduction and all I can here is the background noise and static.... with the NR I can make out people and talk to them!... without it you just hear noise.... and the guys with the 6666 never realize this ... they just didn't know people were on there as they only hear noise.
also.... we'll say someone is 12 miles aways with a 4 watt radio and a junky antenna... the background noise may be louder than what they transmit.... but with the Noise Reduction technology it will eliminate a lot of that noise and you will be able to hear them! and because you have 60 watts on tap if you need it, they will easily hear you.... so you will be able to talk to them... if you had the 6666 you would not be able to.
by the way believe it or not the CS-47 has the Noise Reduction Technology ( NR) ... but the difference in price of the QT 60 and the 5555 N II or the CS-47 is less than a $100 bucks.... so just get a fantastic Ham radio with CB capabilities and leave the CS-47 for play
Thanks. That Alliexpress has the QT60 for $183. Hard to pass it up.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
Thanks. That Alliexpress has the QT60 for $183. Hard to pass it up.
BEST DEAL EVER!!!! ... if you can fit it in your Ram pick up truck?????

...... I bought one for $259.99 plus tax at Amazon to put in my pick-up when I sell the radio I have in my pick-up now...... but I was going to have to do a lot more show horning to get it in... so now I am going to buy the New short version ....those 2 inches will make a HUGE difference and once it's in, it will be there for many years to come... so I'm hoping to sell my new in box 5555 N II for 175 and get the new short version for $260 after taxes.... so it will cost me $85 bucks to get the same radio I already have but 2 inches shorter.... and for you... I saw pictures of your 2021 Ram..... you may have to pay the $ 295.00 plus taxes ( $315.00) and get the 6666 PRO just to be able to get a smaller radio into that truck!